08-05-2007, 02:45 PM
Arrived at the railroad docks(Commercial docks) Sat. night 5/05/07' , set up my gear and was rigging when the cops showed up and chased everybody off the docks.Surprisingly they told us that we were allowed to fish on the west transient docks, but not the east dock where the deeper water is.There was no charge for fishing on the docks.There were very few squid being caught. I got none.Went to Claudios for their porterhouse, but was told the kitchen closed at ten. Strike three!!! I was out of there. Capt.Larry where are you? A buddy of mine fished on the Viking friday for local cod and scored with 4 keepers and a couple of throwbacks, 2 in the high teens, and 2 in the 20's. He stayed on the boat for the night squid trip and caught around thirty which he said was the average catch for that trip. I guess they missed the school on that trip.