25-02-2007, 11:33 PM
gday glen,
thats pretty cool that u caught a silver trevally, i love them!! nice fighters and taste sweet;-) i thought i saw a few swimming around but wasnt sure if they were even hanging around flinders, so i didnt bother with the fish.
ill definately give the silvers and the leatherjackets a crack next time i go down there. hopefully i catch sum decent sized ones.
yeh its fun to watch, but slightly frustrating when u can see the squid hanging around and comin at ur jig but then backing off.
i noticed when i was there last week that when i threw in old bits of silver whiting into the water when i was re-baiting, sum squid would come out and eat the fish.
so i might try making a small bait jig so i can just skewer silver whiting or other fish flesh, without having to use a whole fish, and by that way target the smaller squid when they're too shy to go for artificial jigs.
hey richard, even tho the jig was large, the cuttlefish i caught was only about 25cm along the hood, i recognised it str8 away because of its fat mini rugby ball shape;-) it came out of hiding just as the jig was right in front of me about to be lifted out.
i helped this other old guy that i see there all the time, with landing a big fat cuttlefish which took a whole silver whiting. id love to catch thee bigger ones next time i go.
ive only ever caught one small octopus from portsea. it took a size 4 prawn imitation jig which id let sink to the bottom for a while. it was the last rod to be packed up, and to my surprise it came up with a occy attached. it escaped from my big bucket with stealth moves, so i was a bit freaked out and threw him back in!
it reminded me too much of a spider;-)
but i love eating them so i might try sum fish bait jigs on a dropper rig or something, and let them sit on the bottom.
im hoping to go to flinders again this week, so ill hopefully have another update.
thats pretty cool that u caught a silver trevally, i love them!! nice fighters and taste sweet;-) i thought i saw a few swimming around but wasnt sure if they were even hanging around flinders, so i didnt bother with the fish.
ill definately give the silvers and the leatherjackets a crack next time i go down there. hopefully i catch sum decent sized ones.
yeh its fun to watch, but slightly frustrating when u can see the squid hanging around and comin at ur jig but then backing off.
i noticed when i was there last week that when i threw in old bits of silver whiting into the water when i was re-baiting, sum squid would come out and eat the fish.
so i might try making a small bait jig so i can just skewer silver whiting or other fish flesh, without having to use a whole fish, and by that way target the smaller squid when they're too shy to go for artificial jigs.
hey richard, even tho the jig was large, the cuttlefish i caught was only about 25cm along the hood, i recognised it str8 away because of its fat mini rugby ball shape;-) it came out of hiding just as the jig was right in front of me about to be lifted out.
i helped this other old guy that i see there all the time, with landing a big fat cuttlefish which took a whole silver whiting. id love to catch thee bigger ones next time i go.
ive only ever caught one small octopus from portsea. it took a size 4 prawn imitation jig which id let sink to the bottom for a while. it was the last rod to be packed up, and to my surprise it came up with a occy attached. it escaped from my big bucket with stealth moves, so i was a bit freaked out and threw him back in!
it reminded me too much of a spider;-)
but i love eating them so i might try sum fish bait jigs on a dropper rig or something, and let them sit on the bottom.
im hoping to go to flinders again this week, so ill hopefully have another update.