29-10-2018, 03:14 AM
Quote:I went spearfishing on thursday. The water had definitely dropped in temp. and the black sea bass/scupp were completely gone from shore. Saw no stripers or bluefish near shore. The tautog had gone into their fall mode of devouring everything they could get their chompers on and the stripers that day were offshore (about a 1-2 miles according to the bird congregations I saw). This storm today may push the remaining fish further from shore and I'm guessing that after the ocean and winds calm a little the fall squid run will start (I hope).We went a couple weeks ago and did a little regular fishing during the day and squid at night. Managed a number of scup, w. flounder, black sea bass and even a leftover fluke (smallish). Tried again Tuesday to get in before the storm and absolutely nothing. Not even a single squid. I'll keep watching the weather and may try again for squid in a week or two before it gets too cold.