[quote name='ru 12 mug' post='15428' date='May 25 2009, 03:48 PM']not me , seems to be every man and his dog on to this place now but I have another place up my sleeve that no one has hit as yet...ha ha ha
ru 12 mug[/quote]
thats cool heheh ive got a few other spots too that i dont think people know about either. im thinking of heading to manly harbour later tonight after work. not sure what time ill start. ill be in a white echo hatch and ill try both the rock wall and the jetty and ill have a shimano hat on so say hi if your there.
ru 12 mug[/quote]
thats cool heheh ive got a few other spots too that i dont think people know about either. im thinking of heading to manly harbour later tonight after work. not sure what time ill start. ill be in a white echo hatch and ill try both the rock wall and the jetty and ill have a shimano hat on so say hi if your there.