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Squid Fishing Rod Manufacturers - Egi Rods

Egi Stick - Aoriika Rod (A translation would be welcome)






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Duel Ocean Master Aorie-Q Squid Fishing Rods





釣れるエギの代名詞「ヨーヅリ アオリーQ」の為に専用開発されたPEラインカスタムロッドが登場。オーシャンマスター アオリーQスペシャルは、アオリーQと同様にデュエルの前身である洋釣漁具製作所時代からの伝統とノウハウが詰め込まれた本格エギングロッド。発売以来好評だった業界初の本格エギングロッド「ヨーヅリ カトルクラッチ」シリーズのDNAをも取り込み、現在のエギングシーンに求められるビシバシ、シャクリ、ジャーク、トゥイッチ、ズル曳きなど多彩なメソッドに完全対応。


ガイドにはステンレスフレームSICガイドをデュエルPEライン専用にオリジナルセッティング。PEラインのガイド絡み等のトラブルが激減。ブランクはアオリーQの性能を120%引き出せる専用設計。エギアオリーQに相応しい絶妙な仕上がりを和竿テイストたっぷりに仕上げました。釣れるエギの性能をさらに高めるために細部にまでこだわった「オーシャンマスター アオリーQスペシャル」。今シーズンからエギもロッドもアオリーQ!

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Nories Brand - Japan


Egiing Rods Models:
  • Hard Jerk Squid

  • Long Distance Squid

  • Power Jerk Squid

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How about this range of egging rods from smith(japan)

Smith - SquidHearts

Technical Jerk

High Performer

Deep Impact

Power Slider


I'm using Technical Jerk, nice to grip handle and super light(142gm)

Full titanium guides.


Jyadou Guys - Japan


"Twitching Jerk" - Eging Rod (Squid fishing rod)

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Kanji International Inc - Japan

USA Office - PO Box 469, Hartsdale, NY 10530

Egi rods - "Samurai Blade" and "Clicks"


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Lox Fishing Rod
[url=""]Innky DaSquid[/url]
Hi guys.

Just after a bit of advice from a few of you guys that are a bit more knowledgeable than I.

I'm looking for a 2nd (backup) Egi rod & I've been offered a brand new Shimano Sephia 762ML at a good price.

I know thre sephia AU wasn't a great rod but I've got no knowledge of the 762ML.

What do you guys think of this rod?

Thanks a heap.

Is it a Sephia or Sephia bb?

The BB is a budget model, though miles ahead of the Sephia AU rubbish.

If your happy with the price, and the action, grab it.

Edit: might be a little short for land based off rocks.
Many thanks for the advice.

As it turns out it was the AU model (hence the good price).

I've since declined the offer. Consensus is that they aint reel good rods & not worth the money, even at sale price.

On another note I'm looking for a reasonbably priced egi rod for boat use.

Started out a while back with a 7 foot Gladiator & was quite happy with it's performance, but that has now been passed onto ,my GF so I'm now in the market for another EGI rod.

Just wondering what recommendations you guys might have within say a $300 budget (give or take a bit).

Not looking at spending $600 & up as I'm not quite that dedicated a squid fish ;-)

I realise that 7 foot might be a bit short for LB squiddin' in some situations, but I've got to be honest & admit that 95% of my fishing is from my boat.

Not against going longer if there's advanatages to it but I've always had a preference for 7 footers for boat use (with all my rods). I'd also be interested in what you think regarding 7 foot vs 8 foot, etc.

Wadda ya reckon?

Thanks again in advance.

Nitro Custom Squid -

I use it from a 4m boat and it's fine, absolutely perfect for land based.
If its such a good rod, why didnt they use SIC guides rather than Alconite?

Also, I'm a bit sceptical about rods that claim to run the whole egi scale, in this case, 1.8 to size 4.

You can find better priced rods out there, IMO.

The Rapala T-Spec egi is under your limit of $300, with 2 year warranty, Fuji SIC low rider guides etc.

Then there's the Lox (not the Oz range) which is pretty good too, and also under your budget.

Just clicked on the link for the Nitro rod.

It does actually say below the description "features IM8 Graphite blank and FUJI titanium-frame SiC guides".

But then it also says within the description "The hardware is Fuji Alconite Low Rider sloped-frame guides".

Bit confusing???

[quote name='Ojingo' timestamp='1330465110' post='23935']

If its such a good rod, why didnt they use SIC guides rather than Alconite?[/quote]

SiC offer little to no benefit over Alconite in real world use for a higher price tag.

[quote name='Ojingo' timestamp='1330465110' post='23935']

Also, I'm a bit sceptical about rods that claim to run the whole egi scale, in this case, 1.8 to size 4.[/quote]

You're looking at a difference of 4g-6g between sizes on high quality jigs.

I've used the rod with all sizes of jigs with no issues.

[quote name='Ojingo' timestamp='1330465110' post='23935']

The Rapala T-Spec egi is under your limit of $300, with 2 year warranty, Fuji SIC low rider guides etc.[/quote]

I couldn't find any details on Rapala's warranty, so I'll assume it's a standard limited warranty.

The Nitro rod can break due to any reason; manufacturing fault to misuse, and for an insurance excess of $60 they'll replace the broken section "no questions asked" throughout your life or as long as the company exists.

That trumps any limited short span warranty where you'll be left spending another $X00 if the break isn't covered by the warranty or happens outside of the specified warranty length.
[quote name='Bartnmax' timestamp='1330551971' post='23940']

Just clicked on the link for the Nitro rod.

It does actually say below the description "features IM8 Graphite blank and FUJI titanium-frame SiC guides".

But then it also says within the description "The hardware is Fuji Alconite Low Rider sloped-frame guides".

Bit confusing???



They're alconite, I emailed them to let them know about it.
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/as.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':au:' /> HI GUYS ,ANY ONE TRIED OR HEARD OF PREMIUM FISHING TACKLES EGI RODS (PELAGIC-HYPA EGI) FISHING RODS. ARE THEY ANY GOOD ? I AM JUST STARTING OUT ON EGI FISHING IN QLD.. REGARDS ROB <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/boat.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':boat:' />
Value for money, I'd recommend Timber Wolf Egi. Ive seen one for $85
[url=""]Innky DaSquid[/url]
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/as.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':au:' /> Hi Innky DaSquid where can i buy the Timber Wolf EGI rod? Also mate what about the Rapala Tspec 8822 EGI from The Compeat Angler Fishing shop fo r$199 Regards Rob <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/boat.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':boat:' />
The T-Spec (TS-822) is a decent rod.

Have you 'tried' it in store?

The blank is constructed from 40ton Japanese Toray graphite, Fuji stainless guide frames with SIC inserts.

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/boat.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':boat:' /> THANKS FOR THAT OJINGO . I IM GOING TO BUY THI ROD AND TRY IT OUT. IM USEING SUNLINE PE 8LB BRAID AND SUNLINE TARNRO 12LB V-HARD LEADER. DOES THIS SEEM OK? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/as.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':au:' />

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