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La Perouse - NSW
Hey all once again,below is a picture of the squid jigs i own, they glow in the dark and i would like to try an use them at la perouse, i read the infomation on this website but i was wondering if anyone has fished their lately or around sydney near botany. Thanks for the infomation guys so far and here is my pictures.

thanks Big Grin

[Edit - see below for photo being referred to]
Should try and keep the size of those images down - it takes ages to load........

Cant help you on your destination, but i think the best bet would be to try with some teasers around the area that you fish. Just simplt rig a float set up with some gang hooks sitting about a metre or so below the float and put a whole fish on the hooks. Some common baits are garfish, tommies, whiting, and pilchards....... When the float goes under drag it in slowly then when the squid lets go get a jag ready and cast at it...........

Sounds easy - just gotta find the squid now!
SA - the land of the bigger fish. The fish on the east, measure the least, but if you head west, you'll be bringing in the best!!
I shrunk the photo to a more usable size.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
be careful of bare island .go around to frenchmans bay but you will need to use jigs rather than bait and the squid wont be huge but you can get some great livies. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/w00t.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Cry' />
if you go to la parouse, you can try the bridge on bare island.

i catch the odd squid there, within 1-2 hours in the evening.

use the blue jig, as squid seem to prefer that colour during the afternoon.

suspend your jig about 1metre from a float, and slowly retrieve it.

the float will help you to avoid all the snags and loose your jig.

not many squid there, but they are big. about 2-3 to the kilo.

another good spot is the warf at cliffton gardens.

many many small squid there.
I think the jigs that Johnny_bravo_03 got are the "Force Ten" brand ones?! I wanted to buy them too, but they seem to only come in a pack of 3 (size 3.5, 3.0 and 2.5) and not sold individually. People on this forum says small jigs are better (e.g. size 2.0), so I went to my local Kmart store and bought a pink and a green (both size 2.5) Jarvis Walker Pearl Belly jig I can't find any smaller ones.

Actually, I've never tried squid fishing, but will go to Sandgate Pier QLD with some male friends in a week's time to try for the first time!!!

I've been watching this site for about 2 weeks now and have learnt a lot about squid and squid fishing!!! Thanks for all the tips and info~ I hope I can remember those retrieving techniques on the day!!

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />
good luck snowy! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

let us know how you go!

cheers, glen
Yeah, look like the force 10 ones to me - sold at Kmart here, and i havent seen them in any other sizes........they look pretty cheap to me as well!!

Hope ya get stuck into em!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />
SA - the land of the bigger fish. The fish on the east, measure the least, but if you head west, you'll be bringing in the best!!
I started fishing in the bay (for squid) after seeing someone do it down the coast and got into and asked a heap of questions to the glen and the guys and have had some good days and terrible ones but from what I can work out so far that in the far end of the beach (Yarra Bay) directly across from the sailing club where the container wall meets the beach, on the rising tide I have hooked up some big buggers but in saying that I have'nt had a bite for a few weeks now, but when they are on you can see them from the top where the cars park.

I'm not sure if squid fishing gets this technical or just coincidence, but the days I catch them is when the old men have been occy fishing and are tenderising the occys on the rocks for hours smashing them with sticks over again and all the ink and juice running back into the bay.

This may not be relevant, but last week I took my little boy up there and we found a squid washed up on the rocks and it was enourmous. I'm guesing it was just died of old age but it scared the Buzz Lightyear out of my little boy, although once he realised it was actually dead he was all over the the thing.

Forgot to mention, I've had luck with the big orange jig, or the pilchard on gangs with the float.



<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />
i went to la parouse this weekend, but had not much luck.

tried all the coloured squid jigs, with no luck.

also had a baited pilchard on a gang, and nothing touched it for over 3 hours.

fished from 3pm to 7.30pm on sunday.

anyone else had better luck than me in botany bay, this weekend?
I went out near Bare Island on the 14th at around 4:30 for 2hours and did not catch anything.

I was using 3 different types of jigs as well.

Where do you guys go jigging around La Parouse?

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
Although hav'nt been for a while I go off the container wall looking back into yarra bay sailing club, there is a big cement man made structure, like an old boat building dock I go of that or walk about 50 metres up the container wall were the wall meats the beach in the corner there. I've got some good ones there. I was thinking of going tomorrow in the middle of the day (oh how being a house husband has its advantages sometimes) I was thinking around lunch time, depending on the tides. Let me know if your up for it. If not let me know how you go.

Thanks Gav I will have to give that spot a try next time Im out. And me not being a house husband Im restricted to going out after work hours .

The only spot i have managed to catch squid is at the Darling Point warf near Double Bay. Managed to bag 10 squid after seeing them follow my silver fox squidgy right up to the warf. Lucky we had a spair rod with a squid jig attached Big Grin

Ill let you guys know how I go when I get a chance to go out next.
[quote name='JayDee' date='Aug 25 2004, 09:00 AM']I went out near Bare Island on the 14th at around 4:30 for 2hours and did not catch anything.

I was using 3 different types of jigs as well.

Where do you guys go jigging around La Parouse?

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />


Try the southern side of the bridge at bare Isl with a float ,no smaller than size 3 jig and green works very well.So from the start of the bridge looking to your left try all the way back towards the public s/houses which are up on the road.

Good luck and let us know how you go.

Jewie Hunter <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
I found that the squids before 5 or 6 pm are just lookers, most of my catches are after 7:30, but when its really dark again i couldnt get much. I think the lighting on the bridge is too weak. i had luck with pink and orange mainly, but green caught me a few cuttlefishes <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Went again last weekend, caught nothing (2 trips in a row). there were about another 4-5 people squid there, and caught nothing too... wasnt windy, nice clear water... probably squids were out on holidays? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
Hi All...

Finally!!!!!! after 2 weeks chasing this creature...I did it!!!

Thanks for all the tips, I finnally landed a fair size of squid last Friday 21st November.

Me and two other mates were thinking of taking the boat out but at the ramp it wouldn't start as the battery just went dead on us....we packed it back up again....but since we got the gear ready we headed to La Perouse instead!!

Got there around 6pm, and there was nothing till the sun came down on us around 7:30pm. First it was the baby...then bigger ones started to hook on...

It was fun, and cherrish it forever as this was my 1st...

Can't wait to get back there again...
hi gids!

well done! that is great news!!! i hope you catch heaps more!

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
[color="#0000FF"]Gday Gids [/color]

Congrats Mate <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Cheers Ben
[Image: wombatsigjn4.png]
Like Katy Perry says; you're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no.

That's pretty much how Larpa has been squidding lately. One day I'll get a solid bag of half a dozen or so, then nothing, then maybe two babies. They've been really inconsistent with times of day/tide. It seems to be pot luck, you just have to be in the right place at the right time, and keep moving until you find them! It's a bit tiring too, it's a fair walk from one spot to the other sometimes. I've tried big jigs and little jigs, every colour and brand imaginable and still inconsistent results.

The only possible trend I've found is that they love 2.0 Yamashita Egi Sutte's. It seems to always pull at least one in.

Anyone have any tips to improve consistency? I'm pulling my hair out here!

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