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La Perouse - NSW
Hey guys first post for me. im over in sydney from perth so am new to the sydney squidding scene. had crack down rose bay wharf didnt see much part from some little ones. Was told botany bay bridge was the go. been down about 4 times caught afew nice ones off the bridge. Seems as long as the tide is at its lowest or highest the rest deosnt seem to matter. Any advice ??? ive been using a variety of jigs but have found that yellow ones are working the best for me. Went down this morning when tide was on the way in baged one from under the bridge when the current was letting off. Hope to hear from some of u guys out there an please suggest some other locations around the eastern suburbs if possible.

Cheers Brocky
G'day Brocky! Welcome aboard! Hope the locals can give you some tips,

Cheers, Glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
After being a CDROM (i.e. read the forum only) in here for a year or two... finally this is my first post

I went to La Perouse on Tue afternoon around 4-7 and tonight 7-9 couldnt get any and lost a jig <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
bad luck about losing the jig! you might have to take up snorkelling to salvage it!

it is great that you joined up. welcome aboard!!

cheers, glen (currently in beijing!)
i have lost X3 $25 jigs in one night and not caught a thing.

then when i bought a new jig for $20, lost it within 24 hours and again still caught nothing.

I haven't been fishing for a while after these terrible losses

on top of all that all my gear was stolen from the garage.

so 1 jig lost on your first attempt is nothing to stop you from being persistent

good luck
one jig is not as bad as losing two rods. one was taking into the water by the sea patrol boats and the other one was there and suddenly something took off with it
take up snorkelling to retrieve those jigs!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

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