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Let's find new spots to squid fish new york
I would like to challenge this forum to try and come up with new spots to squid fish. They can't only be at Greenport and Huntington harbor .if you think a spot looks fishy share it. I fished 3 spots yesterday that looked great . Kings point launch ramp, captree piers. And jones beach piers. The last spot looked the most promising. The jones beach piers now have very strong led lights at the ends that act as a squid light. No need to bring lights here!!! I did not catch any but looks to good not to try again. It does seem water a little deep and current a little strong st these places. At least I am trying to find new spots. I hope this is interesting to others and will maybe help others push the envelope. It could only help the sport we love. I'm from queens and Greenport to far to go every night. I would love to find a closer spot so can go more often. Will keep you guys posted, and hopefully others will do the same.
I completely agree with you Calamariaddict. the squid can't be in just Greenport and Huntington. I've caught the squid bug bigtime, and I'm determined to find some new spots. I tend to think that Long Island has a lot of untapped squidding potential. Jut because a couple of spots get all of the attention doesnt mean they aren't in a lot of other places too. I was also thinking of trying the Jones Beach piers. The Kings Point ramp has crazy current, likewise the Captree piers. I don't know how that might affect the squidding, but it's worth a try. 


One thing though, with regards to any new spots that are discovered, NO GENERATORS PLEASE!!!. Long Island has some of the most restricted shore access anywhere. While most communities don't pay attention to outsiders fishing their docks at night during the off season, it doesn't take much to attract the wrong kind of attention and get a place locked up for the whole year. Having generators and construction lights with more candlepower than the sun running in the middle of the night is really asking for trouble. The LEDs work fine. Last season I used a 4' submersible LED light (Hydro Glow) and cleaned up on many nights. 

Is this you Paul? I met you at Huntington one night. I'm mike big guy sitting. We did good that night. Loved the fisherman article! I agree the jones beach piers #1 and #2 now had tall poles with LED lights right on the wateratvtge end of the piers . Looks like they were made for squid fishing. Don't even have to bring any light. Perfect it's like they put them there for squiding. Tried it two weeks ago for a few hours nothing. Current can run here but I believe do able. I agree Captree and kings point too much current. I will keep looking and keep posting potential spots. I have a boat in Shinnecock and may try in the ocean . Heard squid boats out there now not too far out. Commercial dock at Shinnecock looks good. Access?? Don't know. Maybe we can check out some spots together. The bug has bitten me too. I just got the newest best hydro glow light snd gave and inverter to run of battrry to run a 100 watt led flood which is enough and can run for 4-5 hours. Agree generators attract too much attention. Was nicely asked to leave Huntington in April cause of generator. Cop had no idea what I was trying to do. He thought I was Insane. Lol
Hi Mike,


Yes, this is Paul. Wow. Guess us L.I. squid enthusiasts are a pretty small and select bunch! That night I fished next to you was my last trip of the 2016 season, and a good trip it was. We caught pretty well! This year I'm definitely going to try the "trip to my car to make a phone call" maneuver again.


Anyway, down to business. During the last week I've tried Huntington harbor from my kayak in several different depths, as well as a few different local shore locations without any squid sighted or caught. They are definitely around in the open sound now, as fluke are being caught spitting them up. Talked to a local tackle shop owner yesterday who said every year in the western sound they show up in the open water but only come inshore in the fall. On the other hand, at times over the years I've occasionally seen squid in the harbors from May through July. I just didn't have a clue how to catch them. A few years ago Centerport harbor had schools of squid darting all over the place under the lights at night. Tonight was probably my last serious effort to catch them for a while. I'll be concentrating on the hot bass bite while it lasts (actually caught a nice teen-sized fish last night on a chunk I'd thrown out while trying for squid). I regularly fish a few local docks for bass and fluke at night and plan on just keeping a rod rigged for squid with me at all times in case they show up. If they do I'll let you know.


I was also thinking of Magnolia pier. I've never fished there in my 50 years on the Island, despite its good reputation. It seems like it might hold promise for squid, although I hear it has a strong current at times. 
Hey Paul I knew it was you . Like you said us squid enthusiasts are few and far between. A shame for such an awesome sport. Recently got my boat in the water in the Shinnecock area. My plan is to always have a squid rid rigged. Plan to try the ocean reefs in 60-90 feet of water when fluking and Seabass fishing. I have occasionally snagged one out there while diamond jigging. Also plan to try and see if I can get access to the commercial fishing dock there. This weekend last trips for winter flounder. Believe it or not still some around to catch. Caught 14 in two hours. Of course only kept two, but still fun to catch some of them. May also try one more trip to Greenport dock for squid. Some old reports from years past do seem to say they caught some in June. Will keep looking for new spots. Hope we catch some before the fall in Huntington. Catch em up, I'll keep in touch.
14 flounder? Nice job, Mike!!! That's a catch like back in the old days! As for squid, I think you'd have a good chance of finding them in the ocean, esp out east. . I know schools often show in the lights of party boats going for blues at night off the south shore. Shinnecock also seems like a good bet at the commercial dock due to its proximity to the inlet. Nothing new to report with regards to tentacles around here. Just fluke and bass, lots of them.


-Oh, and thanks for the kind words on the article. I've got another one slated for the Nov. glossy issue on dock jigging for squid as well. 

Hey Paul took a look at commercial dock at Shinnecock. Nice series of piers and lights at the end. Looks good but due to holiday weekend and a ton of people out there partying did not try. Should have tried it earlier in the month. Again plan to try in my boat when out in 60-90 feet of water jigging for fluke and Seabass. Have snagged one or two on diamond jigs in the past out there.

Looking forward to your article in November. You write well which is a gift, and are able to explain squid jigging which can be complicated in an easy to understand manner. I will hopefully see you on the docks in Huntington and give you my critique in person. Lol . Hopefully we don't have to wait til then to get a few more tentacled warriors!! Take care.
Anybody try in the sound ? I have a boat and was thinking of trying . Just not sure ware to try . Was thinking of going to the East Bar , 30-35 feet deep and rocky . Any pointers would be appreciated .


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