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squidding Swansea-lakemacquarie?
Hey guys

Newby here!

Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction with spots to go to get some squid in lake macquarie ?

me and my mate are going for our routine fishin sess on sat night and want to try get some livies in afternoon ?

Please if anyone can give me some ideas that would be awesome!!!

Thanks in advance

ANyone ?????
Hey Lachlan

I have had some success from the wharf at Belmont.

Basically any jetty in the lake where there is a light.

I tried off the one out front of swansea rsl a month ago for 2 hrs from 5 am without a touch. It may be getting too cold for them.

Looking at google maps i would try the south side of lakes entrance Reids reserve Wall casting back south west. Apart from that maybe the Pac Highway bridge close to slack tides along with the northsore area where Bali st car park boat ramp is. I have only done a little sailing through the lake but i was only sussing out the bream, flatty and whiting spots.

Well they would be the areas I would try first.

Good luck!!!
How did you guys go ?


Thanks guys sorry been busy finally logged back in! thats awesome ill try these spots!!
[quote name='dudleyboy7' timestamp='1306321367' post='22372']

Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction with spots to go to get some squid in lake macquarie? [/quote]

The ocean side of the channel between tide changes from the club up until the end of Byrnes Reserve, Belmont wharf, the wharf and shore front of the park on Lakeview Parade & the Squi'd Ink wharf and shore front.

[quote name='Andrew M' timestamp='1306526892' post='22395']

I have had some success from the wharf at Belmont.[/quote]

A well known spot, I've caught hundreds of squid off that wharf over the years.

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