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Puget Sound, WA (2011 Season)
Went out squidding for the first time lest night. Went to watermans doc in Port Orchard. Got there at about 10pm. Not alot of action until a bit after high tide (11:52pm). Once 12 midnight came around had some descent luck. Caught about 15 fairly good size (6-8 inches). Also did a bit of crabbing, got some nice 6-8 inch Redrocks, caught my limit.

Also went out again tonight. Arrvied same place at around midnight. Was pretty slow, every else left, then around 2am a huge school came through and i was hook one ever minute or 2 atleast for a bit there. Over all i think i pulled atleast 50-60 tonight. I ended up leaving at around 4:215 and they were still bighting like crazy on a pole from a guy that showed up right before i left. Did some crabbing again also, got my limit, although these were not as big as yesterdays, but still legal and gonna be my dinner tomorrow.

The squid are here!


7 foot fly fish pole.

Green Jogs, glow in the dark, small. I will give the brand later, its getting late and im super tired.

Hope that helps!
[quote name='Krashnburnz' timestamp='1310298948' post='22758']

Went out squidding for the first time lest night. Went to watermans doc in Port Orchard. Got there at about 10pm. Not alot of action until a bit after high tide (11:52pm). Once 12 midnight came around had some descent luck. Caught about 15 fairly good size (6-8 inches). Also did a bit of crabbing, got some nice 6-8 inch Redrocks, caught my limit.

Also went out again tonight. Arrvied same place at around midnight. Was pretty slow, every else left, then around 2am a huge school came through and i was hook one ever minute or 2 atleast for a bit there. Over all i think i pulled atleast 50-60 tonight. I ended up leaving at around 4:215 and they were still bighting like crazy on a pole from a guy that showed up right before i left. Did some crabbing again also, got my limit, although these were not as big as yesterdays, but still legal and gonna be my dinner tomorrow.

The squid are here!


7 foot fly fish pole.

Green Jogs, glow in the dark, small. I will give the brand later, its getting late and im super tired.

Hope that helps!


Hi there,

Thank you very much for sharing your success with us! I am contemplating on trying this sport for the first time ever and I have a few questions. Do I need any spot lights or anything to attrack them? How deep do I need to cast the line? Why did you selected Port Orchard? Many thanks in adavance.
Didn't know you could start squidding so soon. When does the season officially begin?
All black Northface everything... come say hi!
[quote name='era86' timestamp='1312845866' post='22899']

Didn't know you could start squidding so soon. When does the season officially begin?


The squid fishing season is open year round in All Waters except Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal)
How has everyone been doing? I've been out of the scene and need some updates, any luck down south in area 11, Commencement Bay / Des Moines area?

I'm up in Ketchikan and keep hearing rumors of people catching squid up here. From what's said, it sounds like Humboldts. Are they likely to come close to shore or am I going to need a boat to get out to them, you think?

One of the previous posts mentions squid 6 to 8 inches. Young Humboldts or something else?
Have never had any luck with Humboldt from the dock. Have caught them from a boat as shallow as a fathom though. Only luck from the dock has been the smaller Pacific Squid.

See ya on the dock...
Went out last night (9-18) to the Clyde Davidson. Haven't had much luck all past week. Caught 20 in about 2 hours. For all the people in lacey, olympia... etc... The best pier around that's close is this one. It's at the steilacoom ferry pier. Good luck getting a spot a couple of months from now. That pier gets packed in the winter. Bring your own everything because the pier is just a dimply lit one with nothing except a couple of benches and trash cans. Its a pretty safe area tho.
curious. I am new to this as im sure lots are, but am wondering what you used and if its good at steilacoom dock? I was wanting to head out there, but not sure what to bring lol. What jigs do you use?
I've been using squid candy squid jigs that I bought from the tacoma marina bait store. The ones I see around are all pretty similar though. The only ones I don't like is the ones that walmart sells and thats because they dont have a bottom piece to attach a jig beneath them. I use a cheap ugly stik crappie rod and the reel that came on it with some 15 lb line. The reason is so I don't lose jigs every time I snag a piece of big seaweed. I also bring a bucket with a battery operated aerator ( not needed but nice to have.) I also bring a cheap plastic strainer to pour the squid in to change out the black water. And I bring a homemade pier gaff to help when I snag a giant sun star or seaweed with anchoring rock. To light it up I use a 500w halogen powered by a 800w harbor freight generator. Its a loud 2 stroke gennie but it was under 100 bucks new so I don't mind so much. All of this is bungied to a little cart I bought at kmart and modified to make life easier.

Also, if anyone here has experimented with the other kind of jigs that the Australians and Japanese use, are they better at catching our kind of squid? I'm just curious why all our squid jigs look very similar and nothing like theirs.

It is not really good at the clyde davidson dock. The 20 squid in 2 hours was a fluke for this time of year. I happened to have a feeding school come in and circle me for over an hour which I've never seen before or since. If you really wanna try stock up on various colors of jigs (either the squid candy types or the colemans type work well) Squid seem to prefer the greens and pinks mostly. Also make sure you realize not all jigs weigh the same and you will need the heavier jig on the bottom. Other than that you may wanna wait it out. If you can't stand it I'll be out there friday night until midnight most likely.
Thanks! I have 2 colman jigs that I got last spring, but never made it out. I may go out there tomorrow night (pending wifes approval) lol. If I go out there it will prob be around 8 or so. On the other nights are you getting skunked or atleast getting a few? And does tide have a factor in it?

I usually catch about 3 when I'm out there from 9 to midnight. It's not enough to really do much with but right now I've been pickling them and I'm trying a few bait cures. The tides seem to have almost nothing to do with squid. Sometimes I think the prison ferry brings them in but every time I start to believe that the squid don't show up at all. If it's your first night out tho I wouldn't expect anything this time of year. There's a few nuances sometimes to the jigging that are hard to get a feel for unless the squid are around. I'll def school you up as much as I can if I can make it out there tonight. The most productive squid catching times seem to be the most miserable nights. The ones where the temp is constantly dropping and theres a nice cutting breeze and a gently drizzle of rain that won't go away. Maybe I'll see you out there tonight.
Yeah BABY!! 2011 season is Here..

Was on my Boat again yesterday in the middle of the Sound...With my Generator and my Lights..

Tried something new this Year...Got a bunch of Herring and grinded it up into mulch and when the squid schools come in..I just throw a scoop of the mulch over...They tend to go into a frenzy and stick only get a wiff and get a piece of absolutely nothing "Gick Gick Gick"..while the greedy and bigger ones shoot straight for the lure..Sometimes even catching 4 at a time..

You all got to try it this season..get some herring and grind it up when the school comes in..Throw a spoonful over..They will go into a FEEDING Frenzy attacking everything in sight and will hang out in the area for alot longer period of time..Vs. Hit and Runs..

I'm also trying to figure out why the Squids tend to attack the lures with the magnet versus ones without..Been killing them with my new Squid jig design with magnets in it..I maybe on to something..Will post pic later as it's still in the exprerimental stages...<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />
You know, I have wondered about that. Are you in the Tacoma area or Oly area? Im curious if that chumming works from a pier? Im sure you can just wrap one of those i bracelet everyone uses for balance on a jig. Thats about all they are good for lol.
[quote name='Ozz' timestamp='1315270465' post='23017']

Have never had any luck with Humboldt from the dock. Have caught them from a boat as shallow as a fathom though. Only luck from the dock has been the smaller Pacific Squid.

See ya on the dock...


Thanks, Ozz. About all I know is what I read on the net. So far, it seems that both Loligo and Humboldt are confined to the south half of California, so far as the net is concerned. First I've heard of "Pacific Squid". Loligo or something else?
Fished the aquarium pier last night/early this morning. Started at 1:00AM and started hooking squid a half hour later. Caught around 35. The squid hung around till around 4:15AM. Something in the water was causing all the bait fish around the pier to jump all over the place. So, I'm thinking it scared the squid away too.

Fished with a Coleman pink and white jig than switched to a squid candy tandem of green and pink jigs. Caught squid on all colors.
Anyone from Jefferson/clallam area?
Anyone catching in the south sound yet?
[quote name='Mossy' timestamp='1317315827' post='23107']

Thanks, Ozz. About all I know is what I read on the net. So far, it seems that both Loligo and Humboldt are confined to the south half of California, so far as the net is concerned. First I've heard of "Pacific Squid". Loligo or something else?


Further research indicates it's Loligo opalescens.

Also reported:


Onykia robusta, the Robust Clubhook Squid, can grow to a maximum mantle length of 2 meters

One site claims another squid is in the area, but the specific one named is supposed to be limited to northern Atlantic.

So, three, maybe four squid present in Pudget Sound.

This is not a very easy subject to research on the net.
Loligo opalescens are also known as Market Squid. They are the most common squid here in the Puget Sound.

Humbolt Squid end up off the coast of Washington and Oregon when the currents are right. Haven't heard of them

making it into the Puget Sound, yet.

I have been catching Market Squid out of Elliot Bay the past two weeks. They are in town and swimming around.

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