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Squid in MA7 / North Puget Sound?
Hi all, I live in Bellingham, WA. Has anyone had any success squidding in the Bellingham area or the San Juans? If not, has anyone had any success squidding from anywhere between Everett and Blaine? I have yet to find a single topic on folks catching up here. I have talked to all the local shops, some that I've even bought jigs from and they say they've never heard of anyone squidding up here. I have tried various places up here to no avail. Do squid just not come this far north? Seems like there should be squid in these waters since Hoochies still work for salmon fishing... Any info would be greatly appreciated!
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I dont have an answer for you but thought I would chime in anyways. Theres squid up there somewhere i am suyre but i am not familaiar with the area at all up there i stick to the south sound. You might have to wait for teh next run of squid which may be start in august up there.
Squid Qoute of the day "Oh Oh here he comes again."
Thanks for the reply. Interesting that you think the squid season up here may be in August. I have always squidded in the winter time down south. I'll give it a shot and let everyone know!

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