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Reporting from North Borneo, Sabah, east Malaysia
Well ever since i returned from Perth after studies, its been quite awhile since i invested some time doing what used to be a favourite past-time- squidding. And so Ive decided to take my dusty equipment for a unravel what creature feature lingers in these local waters ....

[Image: 5693617.jpg]">

Heres the result of a day's casting off the scarp of rocky piers of Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu, North Borneo , Sabah .

Strange, it was pretty quiet before i bagged these two but then as the morning cruises into the afternoon that was when it happened, and they went ballistic, I could have sworn i saw eight orange figures in the water charging furiously for my pink- yellow Yamashita 3.0 when i was reeling one of the above squid .

Good to know...I have a place to go to every weekend from now onwards.haha
Nice work, i was in K.K a few years ago, lovely place but unfortunately i didnt have any time to drop in a line!

One of my friends uncles owns an Island, Pulau Tiga so if i ever go back i will be sure to bring my gear with me <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />
Dont limit yourself to the shores then Tribina, if you can start hunting in the islands , you may even bag some by the kilograms... good luck!
Well i have good news for Squiddfishermen in Kota Kinabalu,

Because i am trying to promote this newfound sport of egi-fishing, I will share as much as i can about the hot areas where Squid have been biting. Its time to ink Jesselton POint Jetty with the squid-ink mark. So. I set out tonight to Jesselton Point despite the obvious low tide i was warned about.

However the sea was very calm tonight though, with instances of bait fish breaking the water surface. So i switched places and booked my place under a huge jetty spotlight. Cast a line and begun flicking, and was promptly rewarded with these guys

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[Image: 247284_1988817033086_1023139686_2299386_406124_n.jpg]

but after two , thats where the tables were turned... lol... many more squid appeared partying under the jetty, but not this time, and nothing i do will entice them to grab neither Yamashita or Yoz-uri, haha ... the most they'd do is investigate by chasing the lure everywhere but there are no more takers... untill an hour later when that fish beside me smashed my pink yamashita range finder 2.5. II think its called a dragon fish

Overall, It was a pretty productive night and although the squid threw a tantrum straight after i bagged two but there are so many of them under the jetty. So i Conclude Jesselton Point Jetty is a good spot to try for arrow squid at night... I wouldnt know what awaits me during the day in the same location. lol , well thats up to you to find out.
[Image: 261947_2098353011417_1023139686_2407899_5503457_n.jpg]

finally a decent catch from Sutera Harbour, Sabah North Borneo Malaysia

Location: Sutera Harbour

Woke upfrom slumber and clock read 8:00 A.M, quite abruptly the skies have myattention. As I gaze out of the window, the sky was just ashen white. Drats... now that did not look too promising,it was blazing yesterday! No please please don't let it rain! Needed to check the weather forecast just tobe sure but google was not being so stupidlylazy telling me that Kota Kinabalu will 'pour' the whole week but I am adamantabout going anyway.

Lefthome at about 9:00 Am for Jesselton Point and yes I am aware that this 'adventure' is going to cost me but I just wanted a decent fishing platform tofish in for a change and where is more comfortable rather than the pain ofhaving to manoeuvre around, wrestling in the rocks. But you can't find a decentfishing platform in KK without needing to pay for it, I think it sucks thatprivately-owned seaside locations iskicking the public off their turf unless you can pay for it. It does bother mealot how KK seem so unfriendly to everyday Sabahans whose favourite past-time passion is fishing, andyou can see anglers every week, the many hopefuls camping out at any seasidelocations in KK waiting for the next big one but then again, us anglers havebeen ' wrestling in the rocks ' for too long, when can we enjoy a decentfishing platform without burning our pockets just to enjoy the sea, and thebreeze, and the tentative wait..., the bite and the strike.

ReachingJesselton point only managed to confirmed my disappointment, when the securityguards told me the jetty is closed for a competition scheduled at the 12[sup]th[/sup]July. Great... so they closed off the entire jetty from the public just to holdone competition? I can't help but muddle myself in cynicism, "Takut ikan habiska ? but if you ask me, it is reallyselfish but hey at least i managed to save a few bucks and so i set forth tohunt for other hot-spots where squids may be lurking.

Arrivedat Suria Sabah, at the parking bay facing the sea near the marine policestation. Well it wasn't long until I got told off by the security guard, heardthe whistle and I knew I had to go away but i cannot help but notice what aperfect fishing spot Suria Sabah is especially near the marine police jetty.The dark aquamarine waters are just so inviting, it has this hidden chasm oozing with appealand mystery.. what secrets might lurk here? The area is quite sheltered fromwild weather where I'm sure bait-fish frequent, moreover its ' ambush-central'for squids. Unfortunately, there's already that stupid ' dilarang memancingsign ' by the electric pillbox and so Ileft.

I wasreluctant to do casting at Sutera Harbour because I was there yesterday, and Ireturned home with a big fat zero. The waves are too rough at the time to ekeout any real reward after flogging the water for a good four good hours but Ihad to go again to test my new outfit as I have spooled on some new Simago fast sinking monofilament 10 lbline ( u can get them at Karamunsing folks, the top shop: ground floor). So Iarrived at Sutera Harbour and made my way down to the beach, towards the rockyoutcrop facing the sea where right ahead in the background is Pulau Gaya. Thebeach is a sad reflection of public apathy, bottles, unwanted tile pieces,plastic, littering the view, polluting her hidden lustre and appeal. Thepublic frequent this beach for its breath-taking sunsets, and also a meetingplace for forlorn hearts who dedicate verses for their beloved on the rocks facing the sunset. Cannot help but hope, one day the resort management realise its publicappeal and restore this beautiful beachwith a proper jetty or pier for public leisure, but it looks like I have towrestle in the rocks for now.

Set mystuff up quick, and cast out my pink 2.5 Kogu Yamashita into the lashing bluetongues of the ocean, and it disappeared into the sea, diving somewhere, tosomeplace where only the creatures of the deep bear witness of its descent intothe unknown-its lifeline being only my fishing line. Waited ,counted to ten, I'm going to let thelittle thing dive down. 14 seconds, 15... and I ripped two sharp jerks.. andlet it dive again. Twitch, twitch wait... twitch.. wait... nothing, and nothingfor a good one hour. Not that I mind too much though, the weather held up ( nothanks to google weather forecast !) andI'm lucky I'm not Frying under the tropical sun here as I flog the water. Then,just as I was busy talking to myself, I felt something teasingly tugged myline! Alas , I was too slow to apply tension and i suppose my drag was tooloose and whatever that was disappeared. I tried to no avail trying to enticeit to come out but there were no takers. Thats it, time to switch colours.

Iswitched to an creamy orange 2.5 Kogu Yamashita and cast out into the seaagain. It must be the orange prawn dancing zig-zag in the water like a stupidflirt was when a powerful strike ensued,and I was completely surprised whatever this is, and it was bending my NaorySquidding rod but it only manage to ekeout a bit of line as I reeled him. It was a decent catch and it was furious,spluttering dark inky plumes in the water as I slowly reeled him in, raising my road to apply tension but just as I wasthinking of taking a photo of the guy, I saw another one following closely,eyeing the yamashita greedily. After that, I really couldn't think anymore! Ilanded the first one quickly but he made sure he messed up my jig real good, staining it completely black with ink.

I mustlook for that dissatisfied friend of his ! I swear I could see that transientshadow in the water, just waiting there. I cast out again, waited andripped the rod and waited. At the third twitch, it was an instant simultaneousstrike and this was even bigger and stronger than the last one! It peeled a bit of line from my shimano reelas I reeled in And there she is, agood catch nonetheless. What a relief ! and it's a beautiful feeling, havingtwo beautiful calamari shimmering in the sun. I did not spend much time there after that, wrapped up and headed home.

finally a decent catch from Sutera Harbour, Sabah North Borneo Malaysia

[Image: 267524_2098353691434_1023139686_2407901_1478582_n.jpg]

size comparison

[Image: 263964_2098381372126_1023139686_2408031_5634756_n.jpg]

fortunately they are there
Hey bro r u still doing squid fishing in Kk ?

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