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The tactics used in the classic
Ok, the Classic is over and the fun seems to be starting for me. I have been asked over and over again how come you guys caught sooooo many squid on a cloudy windy day. on the comp Sunday, Rob, Kouichi, Jun and myself caught 147 squid of which we kept 20. 10 to weigh in and 10 to eat. 147?????? Yes, Kouichi kept a running tally on an app on his phone.

Rob and I had been fishing in all weather conditions and I have been recording the tide height, the direction of water flow, the wind direction and strength, the condition of the morning ( was it sunny, cloudy, patchy ), the depth of water where the we caught the most squid. Was there any surface activity of bait fish or birds working a particular area, ( we did find a flock of Terns working a 500mtr patch of ground out from Fremantle Sailing Club that only produced smallish squid but plenty of them though. We kept getting quad hook ups at once in that patch ). Was there any bait fish shoals in the area. Was the water clear, choppy but clear, cloudy, milky. Most importantly, what size, colour, depth range, action of egi worked best on that particular day.

With all the information we had gathered of the past year since the last comp, Rob and I were ready to put any one we wanted on to squid. As it happened we weren't lucky enough to get the really " Big " squid on board, but I did miss a stonker on comp day. a little heavy handed.

So, to answer the questions I've been asked. Sunday the 26th of June, was windy NNW breeze ranging from 5 to 15 knots predominantly cloudy wit patches of sun. The water was cloudy and the bottom was hard to see in 4 meters of water. on cloudy days with dirty water with a fast drift, the stats were saying fish deep water with very bright or ultra violet egi. Use the ultra deep jigs at least 23 to 28 grams. Lucky for us that Breaden Keime Light super deep was the answer. Three colours were outstanding. Green, Red and Purple. Not bad colours as Keime Lights only come in 5 colours.

I hope this helps on your choices of jigs.

Well done on the win what i don't understand is Dr Jun saying he used a soft plastics retrieve not far removed from Bream fishing after other years demonstrating the violent whipping of the rod jazz at the classic.

Has he decided those methods don't work anymore and was mistaken or because the bite was a bit slower and he went for a slower retrieve ?

I know on facebook a Yamashita pro was saying he only gives it two jerks when he travels to Australia, maybe it standard japanese retrieve has no place here ?

I have got the two shallow Breadens in magna red,keen to give them more of a go later on,cheers,,

[quote name='shortytheyakker' timestamp='1309518794' post='22691']

Well done on the win what i don't understand is Dr Jun saying he used a soft plastics retrieve not far removed from Bream fishing after other years demonstrating the violent whipping of the rod jazz at the classic.

Has he decided those methods don't work anymore and was mistaken or because the bite was a bit slower and he went for a slower retrieve ?

I know on facebook a Yamashita pro was saying he only gives it two jerks when he travels to Australia, maybe it standard japanese retrieve has no place here ?

I have got the two shallow Breadens in magna red,keen to give them more of a go later on,cheers,,


Thanks. No the violent whipping is stilled used when you cast away from the boat or shore. On sunday we all had to use the slow lift as we were using super deeps and the drift was pretty quick. The squid were close to the bottom and whipping the rod would have lifted the jig too far off the bottom. As Dr Jun said we gently lift the rod which in turn lifts the jig, count to 10 then lift again. I too have ordered a new rod it's their latest blank it's super fast taper and can fish jigs from 2.5 to 4.0 super deep. Jun had the rod in a " U " shape.


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