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Fishery Council Wants Your Input On Future Management
Greetings, everybody. I work for the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) and hope you can help get the word out on something that is going to have a major impact on management of the species the Council manages: summer flounder (fluke), scup (porgy), black sea bass, bluefish, Atlantic mackerel, squid, butterfish, spiny dogfish, tilefish, surfclam, and ocean quahog.

Now that these stocks are mostly rebuilt ( [url=""][/url] ), the Council has just launched a unique initiative to determine a new long-term strategy for its fisheries. Since most folks don't have time to come to meetings, the Council is offering a number of ways for you to provide input, including the opportunity to fill out a general survey and species-specific surveys. This is an excellent way to let the Council know what's working and what's not working in fisheries that are important to you. It only takes a few minutes - You can link to the surveys, find other ways to get involved, and learn more about the project here: [url=""][/url]. If you have any questions I'll be checking the board regularly or you can contact Mary Clark, the project lead, at 302-526-5261 or


Jason Didden

P.S. I'm going to be posting about this on several sites but please also send this message/link around to your colleagues, friends, associates, etc. because the Council will begin developing and implementing its new long term strategy after it gathers input, comments, and thoughts from its constituents.
thank you

completed several surveys

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