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Squidding "Hidden Pier" or Waterman - Port Orchard.. Jig Ideas
I live in Gig Harbor, where the closest place to fish i[size="2"][color="#222222"]s Jerisich Dock here in the harbor. Been down there a few times trying to bring in some squid with a flood light, underwater lighting.. Nothing works. Haven't seen 1 squid show up there. SOO, my typical location is down @ the hidden dock in PO.. The one @ the park & ride. I used to go there almost every night, talking to (names might be off a bit) Jim, Jacob Black and a few other regulars two years ago.. Anyway, since I've been out of work for the last 7 months, and, my incessant need to take friends fishing, letting said friends borrow jigs (then, they lose them or misplace them..) I'm now down to 2 jigs that are garbage, a few hooks i bought from Juicy Jigs a couple years ago, and some steel shanks. Due to funds, I am trying to find some household objects to create some unique jigs that work to keep me on the water.. Any ideas?[/color][/size]



[size="2"][color="#222222"]As for the work, I've started up my own company and been working relentlessly, trying to become somewhat successful, but it hasn't happened yet.. Gotta start somewhere![/color][/size]



[size="2"][color="#222222"]P.S. Always looking for friendly faces @ the docks.. If you see me, I'm usually there with my kid (8 year old), or a friend.. I'm the guy that's usually down below on the small dock, with some homemade light or some other contraption, trying new things.. Come say "Hi!!"[/color][/size]
You can ues straws for the body...put some glowball corkys on there..beads..weight it with hollowcore lead..

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  Waterman Pier jiggynub 6 8,935 28-09-2008, 12:50 PM
Last Post: ltarogue

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