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North Shore Massachusetts Squid 2018
Four nights ago I got six squid and two nights ago I got four squid. Ive got about 20 squid so far this season but you really have to put in the hours to get anything.
Quote:Four nights ago I got six squid and two nights ago I got four squid. Ive got about 20 squid so far this season but you really have to put in the hours to get anything.

I sure hope that changes soon and doesnt become like last years slow season. Water temperature is around 60 degrees and next full moon is on June 28th. I will give it a try then.
Salem Willows?does anyone try yet? Any squid yet? Please let me know
Is anybody see squid at willows park? Please info us. Thanks
Has anyone seen any squid in willow park?
Not quite squid related but I jigged up a few squid a couple days ago to eat and used couple of the extras for bait. Stripers love them just as much as we do. I'm hoping to upload a squid video as soon as the pace picks up.
I have yet to try squidding from the Beverley Fish Pier but it sounds like it's been disappointing so far...

Quote:Has anyone seen any squid in willow park?

The Salem Willows pier sustained heavy damage during the Noreaster in March and is condemned. To the best of my knlowedge they have not yet contracted anyone to repair it because the bids were a lot higher than they expected. Unlikely it will be open this summer.
Its been quite on this board lately and Ive been checking daily if any new news if the squid have been picking up in numbers.

Today I got information that someone caught a few yesterday during daylight hours in Gloucester area.

Im planning on going tonight to try my luck.
it's been quiet in this discussion board indeed. may try out tonight or tomorrow's night for the first time this year despite the hot weather. will let the folks know via this board.

Any luck? 

No luck on June 30th weekend but on the 4th of July I accidentally caught 3 on a mackerel jig during the day.

Im hearing rumors that people were catching them on the boulevard this past weekend. I wish to hear from someone who actually did catch some.

I will probably scout around the boulevard and piers later tonight to see if anyone is catching squid now.
I have not even tried once! Tempted to try last week but it was too hot. Wondering if it is over?
What is the "boulevard"?
Sorry, I meant the Gloucester boulevard.

I talked to a few people fishing there and they all said that they havent seen any squid.
Anybody have any idea why there have been very little squid action the last 2 years.

No Idea but I just read an article from Tomos Tackle in Salem that squid are starting to show in numbers.

Hopefully someone here can back up this report?
I was in salem  Sunday 8-5-18 all day not one squid or mackerel and I wasn't the only one there.

Tomo and these other shops are just trying to bring in business.

Well looking for squids all day isn't often the most productive way to get them. Although there are times and places one can catch a lot of squid in the daytime it is night when most of them are caught.  Tomo is actually a straight shooter and I doubt he'd intentionally lie although he could have heard some unsubstantiated reports himself. It's maybe better to not disparage those you don't know personally.

They're out there.  Was in my kayak at dusk earlier this week.  Got about 20 for stripers later in the evening.  I was using Yozuri Pink and Olive.  Glad to see them again.


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