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Anybody ever catch squid in Shelton/Oakland bay ? And wheelchair acces
Hey guys, I just moved to the area and have been reading alot about catching squid. I live right down the road from the Shelton yacht harbor.Has anybody ever caught any there ? also I am disabled and use a wheelchair full time. Are there any wheelchair accessable spots around. I have never done this before but it sounds like its something I could get into ! Thanks for any information...Kirt
I'd be pessemistic; Your side of the bay is shallow. From the maps, Hunter's point, across the way, has deeper water close by.

I checked with local sporting goods stores and found people who were squidding around here (Ketchikan AK), but no one was squidding from shore, all boats. What the heck, you might try gossiping doing in person research (ahem) at your local fishing supply stores.

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