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Manly 2012
lets hope this year is better than last year as it was a disaster with all the flooding we had up here.....from what we can work out the new hatch of babies was choked by all the silt and crap in the water which killed them as soon as they hatched.

I've been for a couple of recon missions and have seen a few small ones so here's hoping as the year before last was the best year I have seen since becoming an egi addict so last year was a major let down......our egi club comps were piss poor for the last 3 rounds and we're about to kick it all off again real soon for this season and look forward to some better fishing.

anyone in the Brisbane ares is welcome to compete in the club so just look up brisbane egi club on google and you'll find us.

the mug....aka...Paul

good luck guys and gals..

ps...Glenn...when are you coming to brizzy????
make squid your friend...then bag them
howdy do all....this year is allready better than last with a few showing up here and there but the castnetters are flogging the a55 out of them as usual.

make squid your friend...then bag them
Hi Paul there a few more squid getting around this year acoording to Kaspar ,I know he is correct ,We caught 14 Tigers the other day. or should i say Robb and Kasper did. Here is a photo of a coupLe Robb and Kaspar caught. Regards Rob T

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

99% of the club think Kaspar is full of sh1t...even the president... because he go's on about these 1.5kg+ models he gets....oh and the 3-4.5kg ones too....he's got a lot to learn before he shoots his mouth off around season hardened vetrans of eging around brisbane.

I'm still yet to get one 1.5kg or see one that big for that matter.

make squid your friend...then bag them
like to say hello to everyone

just signed up to this forum community to

continue to learn on how to catch these tasty critters

my first experience was a 35 cm tiger at manly boat harbour next to the restuarant there near the rock wall.

but that was all i had last year.

hoping anyone here give me advice on how to catch them, what am i looking for?

i don't have a boat so landbased tips only please

after my first squid im hooked. hoping to go again in the near future

good luck mate!!!!!

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