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Queenscliff report - VIC
Hi guys

Not a good report

I fished Queenscliff peir 27/8/ and it was very very quite indeed

Absolutly no Squid were taken by anyone

It was so quite that Old Sammy the seal was having a hard time getting a feed

This was a perfect night for squid given the reports I have gather for that end of the bay but it looks like the boaties are having all the luck as far as the squid go.

This was the quietest night I have ever seen in the 30 years Ive fished the area and the feed back from the other 6 or so anglers wasnt good at all

with all saying the fishing on Queenscliff peir just gets worse and worse

Not even a Toadie


Your not wrong about the boaties ,

Bag limits in under an hour most mornings.

I would suggest a 8 oz. sinker for your seal mate.

Regards John
The dolphins are giving them a canning each morning as well.

Regards John
You're not wrong there fella's. Get yourselves a boat. I have bagged out in that area in the last 2 weeks, but not in first hour as suggested. 2-3 hours normally at the moment. It's still early for the squid. In about 1 months time, then we'll be bagging out in one hour like last year. I'm sure they'll make there way to the pier, just be patient if you can't get access to a boat. Good luck.
I fished the pier last night (27-08-2003) from 7:45 pm till 10:30 pm, I didn't get any Squid, but a couple of older fellows who had spaced themselves out along the good lighted section got a few quite small ones.

The seal was there for the last hour or so at night too.

I guess I'll just have to keep trying and hope the big schools of Squid come over to the pier. I note that there is very little weed along beside the pier, is that going to mean they have no reason to come there?
4 boats bagged in 30 minutes today!

Get them before the crowds do!!

Regards John
Hi guy's, It's 2.11 am and I just got back from Queenscliff, I got there at 7 pm and the tide started coming in

at Approximately 7.40 pm, there was a light breeze from the North-North west, clear sky's, and Mar's

shinning brightly, only me and two other's on the pier, AMAZING !! No shoulder to shoulder fisherman,

and even better, NO SEAL !

I would say it was a perfect night for squidding !, I had silver whiting and a variety of jig's,

I fished all the way around the pier, every inch of it, using baited jig's and artificial's,

You guessed it, NO SQUID !! didn't even see one, dead as a maggot !!

UNBELIEVABLE, just when you think this is going to be a top night, BAM ! it hit's you between the eye's,

no fish for you tonight sucker !! I can't work out why the pier fisher's are doing so badly ?

I heard the same story from a few guy's that fished Flinder's pier, the guy's fishing from boat's in

lonsdale bight { just around the corner from Queenscliff }

are braining them, and so are the boat's at flinder's, so why are the pier's not firing ? I can't work it out?

this time last year I was doing great from the pier's ! so why is this year so different ? why are they shying

away from pier's ? OK - OK - I can hear you say "I did well last week end" or something like that,

But my point is are you catching consistantly ? I mean at least 4 plus squid evey trip?

this is what the catch rate was like last year at Queenscliff pier, and 4 was the minimum on any one trip,

and the size's where excellent too, I'll give it a few more trip's and see how the season progress's,

but it look's to me that I'll have to fire up my boat very soon to catch a good feed, I'd be interested to know

if anyone else has found the same as me? till the next report, cheer's Pete.

me and two others fished Pt Lonsdale pier this Sunday morning from 6:00am till 10:00am with sand whiting and a variety of artificial jigs with absolutely no result whatsoever. Best we could manage for the session was one under size wrasse. Some others turned up but up until 10:00 I didn't see any other fish caught. There was a lot of weed floating around which didn't help things any also. We were right at the bottom of the tide.
gday mate i fished flinders on the 29th of august and it is the same deal, all these reports of heaps of squid yet i fished for a good 3 hrs and didnt get one, although i did lose one oits besides the point, people who left when we got there said they fished all day for nothing and also reported that they didnt even see any caught, and that nite none where caught, mmm they have become smart and are keeping away from piers
My recent expedition to Q/cliff Pier was a bust too.

I commented on the fact that there seems to be very little weed growing around the pier and asked if that was likely to prove unattractive to the Squid. No-one said anything about it so far.
PW. the seabed from drapers reef to the sub has changed completely in the last 4 years ,

the new ferry terminal has caused a bad sand build up that is covering all the good ground and I would not be surprised if that has something to do with the results from Q.cliff pier.

Add to that the new dredging company( privitised) which has a totaly different approach to the former ports and harbours dredging practise.

Regards John
Hey guys

The expirence and knowledge I have gathered from both my father myself and other anglers points to different factors on why Queenscliff peir is going down hill as far as the squid are concerned

The main factor is that since the new ferry terminal was built the sand washes back toward the peir and settles around the peir.

Another factor is over fishing Im not talking about taking too many fish

but another theory was that over the years the weed beds around the peir were stirpped bare with squid jigs being the culprit.

the jig theory came about in the late 80s when squid fishing from Queenscliff really took a nose dive it was nothing like the squid fishing in the 60s and 70s.

But dont be discouraged from fishing this peir as it still produces some good catches and is no more spasmodic than say St leonards peir.

Speaking of St Leonards peir I have found this place to be a bigger hit or miss than Queenscliff but when it does fire the action is alot faster and it seems all anglers get a good bag, where as Queenscliff you see alot of people go home empty handed while other have bagged out

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' /> SUPERSQUID <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />
Up until the late 80'swearly 90"s the passenger ferry was able to dock at Q.cliff pier but it is now to shallow.

This gives you some idea of how much sand has built up.

I would not think that jigs snagging weed would be much of an issue due to the limited reach of the poles used on this pier,

more likely loss of habitat from sand covearge.

There has also been a couple of good sessions on the pilot pier marks from boats so they are coming at least that close but that seems like it.

Regards John
Is it hard to wade out to Bell Reef? I'm guessing that might be a good landbased option if the pier is fishing so badly and yet the boats are doing well. I've never fished off Bell Reef before and I don't fancy getting too wet in this cold weather either. How wet do you get wading out there? How long can you spend out there before you need to come back when the tide comes in?
PW , pick the low tides from the tide chart and a good pair of waders for the colder months and you will be right for around 2 or 3 hrs.

Be carefull if the swell is up at alll if you wear waders.

Not a bad spot for a snapper either at this time of year on.

Better option for snapper is the reef in front of the cottage though.

20lb ers every year. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />

Regards John
As a further note to the state of Q.cliff pier is that stairs at the start of the pier used to run into 2 feet of water at high tide, now they are 20 meters form the waters edge

Regards John
Thanks for all that good info and advice John :-)

I really appreciate the help.

It's like you were clairvoyant with that Snapper info, I've long tried for a decent Snapper from the shore, now I've got two new spots to spend some time.
14 squid to 2kg and one cuttle of 2.5kg today in 35knts of wind and hail and filthy water all taken on the anchor.!!!!.

To cold we went home to watch the Grand Final!!

Regards John

i am green with envy because i was planning on fishing queensclif but wasnt game to go out with the strong winds,... were they taken in the lonsdale bight? maybe i'll get to go this coming weekend.

...and so much for not bothering fishing for squid in murky water,... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />

good one <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wh' />

Aok, lonny bight is fishing well but in the deep.

Fished Sunday as well for 50 squid biggest 3kg(on anchor again)only saw 3 other squid taken by other boats so you do have to be on the spawn...

2x 4kg beast where taken On Sunday by a mate!!

Regards John

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