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Queenscliff report - VIC
Because there is very little reef structure around queenscliff pier the squid will tend to move around quite a bit. Best technique in my experience by far is walking the pier with one rod and working the pier systematically. Don't overlook the very first light on the bridge at high tide in the evening. You may only be fishing in 0.5M to 1.0M of water but the squid are there. Cast and retrieve far from this spot at all angles (use smaller jigs at this time of year). I bagged out 2 times at this spot in summer from limited opportunities. Next major spot is the light before the shed (but this spot is always taken first. After the shed the water gets a little deeper and casting and retrieving from the shed, lower platform and the end of the pier generally yields good results when not packed.

At this time of year the squid are a little more sparse, so use small jigs, let them sink, work them violently. When you get one you will usually get a few more and then you have to move around the peir to locate them again.

In the next few months, I will tend to do some morning session there on calm sunny days. Fishing from about 5am through to 10am. Most of the crowds have left by then and the squid are still lurking around the reef and weed beds. in sunlight conditions, I will tend to use green and blue jigs to match the water colour or more dull colours on overcast days. Always go with smaller jigs when you can. It pays to take a couple of mates with you so that you can systematically work the pier and more easily locate the schools. I do a lot of these morning session mid-late winter / early spring.

The other benefit is that queenscliff has some of the greatest sunrises in the world!

[quote name='nala' timestamp='1302077353' post='21889']

Hey Colossal_Squid,

I have been out a few times not to Queenscliff though. Flinders and Sorento Pier a few weeks ago. Got about 15 between 3 of us at Sorento and 3 big ones at Flinders later that day. just got a Kayak and have been thinking about taking a look around the Queenscliff Pier now that it is closed (is it still closed?). Any tips on the good areas to focus on at Queenscliff pier? I don't want your super secret spot or technique of course, just a couple of tips for that location for a fellow squidder. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />



Great post[url=""] Colossal_Squid !!! very good tips indeed and i will try them out myself !!!

i was at queenscliff 2 weeks ago,.... the pier is open, the works has finished but the lights hasn't turned on yet. Anyone know if they are on at night now ???

BTW caught a 2.2kg cuttlefish that night, they'r awesome eating ! exactly the same taste as squid just 3 times bigger and more meat !!!


Just came back from the pier now the lights are still off managed to get 4 but it was still quiet and the pier was empty!!!!
Again, more gold!

Thanks Colossal. I have still to get to Queenscliff, but those tips are a sirens call for sure. I will definitely let you know how I go when I get there.

I am taking it that Queenscliff Pier is open at the moment? If it is I can take a pal. If not I will take the kayak and go solo.

Don't think I will take the Kayak to Point Londsdale though, I have seen some big sharks pulled up there over the years.

Again, thanks for passing on the local knowledge. You rarely get that kind of information on other fishing forums I find. It is all cloak and daggers.


Colossal and mikii_v,

What is the weed like around Queenscliff and the other locations you mention. At Flinders (weed everywhere) I use 15lb braid and 20lb mono leader on my flicking rod, as the weed is very hard to pull out of if you get snagged. I lost a lot of jigs at Flinders until I upped the strength of my line. I prefer to use lighter lines of course. One of my favourite general techniques is to let the jig sink to the sea bed and retrieve it very very slowly with a few random flicks from time to time. It mimics a prawn walking on the bottom of the sea floor and I have found it dynamite. But with strong weed you snag every cast, which is annoying and can be expensive.





the weed at queenscliff are very very gentle. i have never lost a jig ever at queenscliff. it doesn't ever get stuck at all.

flinders is horrible. i lost 6 jigs in 1 trip there. once your jig is stuck, its nearly impossible to recover it.
Hi All,

I'm new to this forum. Some of the tips are great.

I want to try catching some squids from Queenscliff Pier in the next week or two.

Anyone have recent reports?
Hi fishhead Queenscliff has been a bit quiet lately and I don't think the lights have turned back on but it's good to go have a try mate before you go it's good to check the tides and wind if it's east or a strong north don't waist you'r time take a couple of different colored jigs and Evan a whiting on a float is ok but if you want to go all out buy a squid pole and you can jig with the pole or leave it just sitting on the water whilst your jiging with your rod goodluck <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Hi Tonci, thanks for the update & tips. went & bought 1/2 dozen squid jigs today but I'll wait til there is more action at the pier b4 going. will be going after the breams at Barwon Heads this weekends.
Thanks mikii_v for that info.

And thanks tonci for that report.

mikii_v, I have not lost a jig at flinders since I started using 15lb braid. It can take time to work your jig out of the weed but you just gotta keep at it. Try not to get frustrated (I do all the time though, lol) and just try to rip it out. Lots of small sharp tugs does the trick eventually i find.

Thanks again,

Went last night fished 7 0clock to 10 managed to get 6 and my friend got 2 lucky this guy had a prawn light shining on the water the pier still has no lights !!!!!
i went on saturday night, 6pm-midnight. only managed 2... i think the guy before the shelter caught more than 10 as he had a light shining into the water as well.

the fishing at queenscliff has died off heaps because it has no lights.

why wont they turn it on... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
Yeh I was to the guy with the light lmao
hahaha i didn't go out to the front to see you. you didnt bother walking out ?

when i got there, it was just the guy with the light at the front, i should have fished next time him.

why did you go home so early? usually your uncle would want to stay until the morning. It started raining around 12, so good call.
Yeh his names Jerry hahah nah it was me and my Mate we got 6 and left because the guy with the light left so I left had work in the morning so yeh. You going this weekend ?
Wondering if the lights are on yet?? If not, will the coloured liquid squid lights do the job on their own??

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' /> Just gotta say, what a great site, full of great tips and info.

Glad you guys are prepared to share all, Thankyou!!
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />

hey at Queenscliff do you cast or just drop it in the water

I cast out you cover more ground for the squid by casting.
hey fellas,

its been a while since iv wet a line... it should fire up soon as the water warms up !

As far as casting, I believe queens cliff is the only pier i know that doesn't require casting all the time. I tend to use squid poles, and 1 rod casting out but there have been numerous times iv been out fished when someone would drop there line 2 meters off the pier next to me. The squid at queensliff get really close to the pier and on nice nights, you can see them close to the pier. Most of the time chasing tommy roughs and bait fish.

It should get packed very soon !


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