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Puget Sound, Wa (2003-2005 Season)
Since we have family who likes seafood I went jigging on the 23rd. Had pretty good luck and I was able to give away some fresh squid for Christmas. Odd gift though. A couple of relatives got jars full of squid. And for a novelty item, I stuffed the small squid in vodka jars. Here's a picture.

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<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Good evening ! I went out for a couple hours on Monday, Dec. 22nd when the tide was higher.

I was able to catch 2 at once for my first time! I have seen lots of other squidders getting 2 or 3 at once, all the time, but I didn't yet do it. Finally, it happened that day.

We had a child with us so we had to return very early or else I would have fished almost all night I think!

I bought a rain suit so I plan to go out in the rain more. I went 2-3 times before and got wet once without the proper protection of a suit-jacket. Now I have my suit. My friend is sick though with a bad cold. So, since she is my main fishing partner I probablly won't go out without her.

Although, my sister will visit tomorrow, Dec.28th, and I might go out if she will

keep me company. We'll see what she says. Most likely- she won't want to go but I

will ask anyway. It doesn't hurt to ask and she might surprise me and say - yes!

If I go, I'll let you know what happens.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!

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I hope you catch your limit every time you're out.

"God loves you and will keep you safe in HIS loving hands".

Sincerely, SquidlyWoman.
For those in the Seattle Area (useful info for non-Seattle area people too)

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

I now have a rain suit that will keep me dry for the foul weather fishing. Plus I am working on buying 2 submersable lights to lower into the water to attract the Squid to us.

I have not used the rain suit yet but I hope to soon as it quits snowing here

in Washington USA. Burr! We could get several inches of new snow tonight too!

I am going to include a photo of my friend throwing a snowball at me! It was

a direct hit in our snowball fight! Hahaha. After that we built a snowman for her granddaughter.

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I hope you catch your limit every time you're out.

"God loves you and will keep you safe in HIS loving hands".

Sincerely, SquidlyWoman.
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

Hello everyone!

I went fishing Saturday night Jan 17th from about 6:15 pm to about 1:15 am or so.

It was an OFF night! I got 1 - one lonely Squid around 9:30 pm. It was small. My

friend that usually catches a lot - got ZERO - 0 Squid. One problem we had was a

seal that was around us the whole night.

We used our under water lights - and THEY WORK GREAT !!!! LIT UP THE WATER LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE ! This did attract a lot of anchovy or sardine type small silver fish & the SEAL. As soon as the SEAL appeared, everything else

was GONE !! We stayed there expecting the Squid to start 'hitting any time' but they never did. I used my new rain suit and good thing I did - it began to rain as

we were packing up to go home. By the time we got into the car, we were soaked.

I look forward to using the lights again & we were told that we need a pile of rocks to throw at the seal. So, next time, we will be 'armed with rocks' to throw at

the seal to chase it away. We are sure that's why the squid never did show up in big numbers.

My friend saw the seal eat 2-3 Squid right between the cords of our lights as they hung into the water. It ate them right out form under us literally !!! GRRRRR!

I am an animal lover but not when it interfears with my fishing!

Hopefully everyone else did better than we did - hahaha.

From, SW.
I hope you catch your limit every time you're out.

"God loves you and will keep you safe in HIS loving hands".

Sincerely, SquidlyWoman.
Hey.... I was just looking on ebay "" they have a bunch of squid jigs there, looks like VERY cheap prices. Worth checking out. just search for "squid".

Definitely worth a look if you're looking to buy.
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

Thank you for the tip. I got my fishing lights from a man on eBay. I do recommend looking there at least 1-2 times a week for those good deals !!!!!!!!
I hope you catch your limit every time you're out.

"God loves you and will keep you safe in HIS loving hands".

Sincerely, SquidlyWoman.
Hi Squidlywoman how did you like the lights that I sent you??? Have you been out squid fishing lately??? I haven't been for a couple of weeks, seems like it got pretty slow by me. The Redondo Pier is close for me, so that's where I usually would go.

I also got my website up if you want to take a look.


[url=""]Squidjig Warehouse[/url]
[url=""]WWW.SQUIDJIG.COM [/url] [color="red"]Seattle, Washington, USA[/color]

[color="blue"]Home of the World Famous Martinetti Squid Jigs[/color]
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' /> The species of squid we primarily catch in Puget Sound are the Loligo Opalescense.
Hi squidjigdotcom,

Where are you from? I am also from Washington State and usually go squidding at Redondo fishing dock. You can email me if you like and perhaps we can exchange ideas..... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':beer' />

Happy Squidding!!!
Here is a recent report from the SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER -Thursday, September 16, 2004


Squid fishing has been fair, not great, many nights recently at the Terminal 86 and Seacrest fishing piers on Elliott Bay, as well as some of the docks along the downtown waterfront. It should improve as fall progresses and typically stays good into winter.
Hi all, first visit here.

Puget Sound boat jigging - I've thought about doing this. I live on Bainbridge Island and we don't have any piers but I have a boat. Anybody squid fishing off of boats in the sound? I've caught squid here during the day while jigging for salmon so I know they are here. Time to get the lights out and give it a try I guess. I need some jigs!

In my youth I lived in California and we would hang bright lights over the side of our boats over at Catalina Island and oftentimes the squid were so thick around the boat that it seemed that you could walk on them. We would dip net them and fill our live bait tank as they were great bait for catching bass, yellowtail and white seabass. We also took large quantities home for dinners. You could literally net a thousand squid in ten minutes!

One other phenomenom I wanted to report about was the appearance of Humboldt Squid on the WA coast last fall. I was in Westport and was amazed to see these large squid littered on the beaches. Looks like they were washed up on a high tide and became stranded. It would take some serious tackle to land one of those puppies.

Finally, I have seen large cuttlefish during warm water dives (Carribean). They seemed to always be in pairs (maybe spouses?). On a couple of occasions they would approach us side by side and suspend about 3 feet from our masks. Then while checking us out they would put on a spectacular show of lighting up their bodies with luminescent colors as if they were talking to each other through that medium - it was very much like what I would imagine an alien visitation would be like - - squid are cool!
Hello Bob:

You are right on with squid fishing from a boat. People do it all the time around Puget Sound. There are private docks on the island that people squid from. I know since I have been invited by the owners to teach them how to squid fish. The Band Director at Bainbridge High School has been a wealth of information. You can always try to contact them but their time is spread pretty thin with the demands of that job.

As for squid jigs, we manufacture the most effective squid jigs you can buy!! is the place to go. There are still months left for squid fishing in your area. In fact, it has even picked up lately which is hard for me to believe since it has been such a great season in the Kitsap region! Two nights ago, they were pulling in really nice size squid at the Bremerton ferry dock. You can even try the dock at the Kingston ferry. We supply most of the people who squid fish there. You just need to get out. Ths next week will be warmer so get out and give it a try.

Happy Squid Fishing!

Squid Master

[Image: juicyjigs.jpg]
The latest squid report for North Puget Sound in the Washington Fisheries' [url=""]Weekender Report [/url]is as follows (January 26 - February 8, 2005) -

A few squid can still be jigged from downtown Seattle piers and the fishing piers at Des Moines and Edmonds.
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/oops.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> Jon - sorry I haven't been around for a long time. I have not gone out for quite a while <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' /> ! I did use the light and noticed that I didn't have it twisted tight enough as water seemed to make the battery leak. Darn it! I will use it again and let you know what happens next time. S.W.
I hope you catch your limit every time you're out.

"God loves you and will keep you safe in HIS loving hands".

Sincerely, SquidlyWoman.
welcome back SW! hope you have been well.

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
I received this report from the SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER

Quote:Squid jigging has picked up again; it's not great, but decent at several spots. Here in town, the Seacrest and Terminal 86 fishing piers, as well as a few of the downtown docks, are producing well most nights. To the south, the Redondo, Des Moines, Les Davis and Point Defiance Boathouse fishing piers are all producing some of the ink-squirters. Some of the piers across the Sound have been good, too, most notably the Bremerton pier.


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