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Newport Ri 2014 Squid Season
Nows the time to get em in RI, as soon as the big bass and blues

move in it will put a hurting on squid fishing.   I have been told again

that squid remain good on the cape.  Not hearing the whining like

last year about no or to few squid.  North Shore should be coming alive

with squid, everything is late this year.

Quote:Finally got out tonight with dark night and his lovely wife. The fishing was nothing short of great. Dk's wife was high hook with an overfill bucket. I had almost a full bucket and dl had a full cooler.

We were off matiunik point in about 35 feet. Nothing exotic for rigs. Just a high low rig with small sinker.

Still giddy. Trying to figure put next trip already.

Thanks for taking us out Greg, we had a great time!
If you don't get INKED this year you never will. Patience is needed - No blitz one day -  But the next day will make up for it. Get out there while it's hot. I've fished for a few hours with slim pickings and all of a sudden they arrive. You have to be there or you won't catch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone try jamestown lately, or beverly pier?
Quote:Anyone try jamestown lately, or beverly pier?

I tried Beverly today (Saturday) and didn't catch a single one. My brother-in-law and I were the only ones trying for squid. There were several other folks catching flounder and mackerel. 
Anthony they had a shot of squid but was at night.  May want to call tomos tackle as

they are a very short distance from there and he knows whats going on up to the


Flounder?! Really off the "fishing" spot or off the boat docks? This was during the day correct?
Hit the beaches off point judith again tonight with a full boat of friends. We didn't do quite as well averaging a half bucket each but it was still a blast.

Fluke are in so bluefish won't be far behind and the squid will move offshore soon no doubt but weight get another trip in.
Yes they were catching flounder and mackerel off the end of the pier, and yes it was during the daytime between 2:00 and 5:30 pm. High tide was going to be around 8:00pm.

To the people who fished at the fort in JT you guys are scum. I went there today to baitfish and there was trash everywhere! Food containers, beer bottles, squid jig packages. Me and another follow fishermen who I don't even know was forced to clean up your trash by JT police.

To the people who is leaving all this trash. There is a freaking dumpster right by the freaking building USE IT!!
One bad squidder....I mean apple...
That's how they were brought up, don't give a sht.

Fished Deep Hole from my kayak on sunday morning and got 34 big squid fishing next to the fluke boats. Would have been better if the drift didn't die out. Had to move around to find the squid. Marked good pods on my fish finder will try again real soon. Love the feeling of getting inked from the yak. And if anybody wants to know water was about 30 to 40 feet deep and fished from 7am to 230 pm

Quote:To the people who fished at the fort in JT you guys are scum. I went there today to baitfish and there was trash everywhere! Food containers, beer bottles, squid jig packages. Me and another follow fishermen who I don't even know was forced to clean up your trash by JT police.

To the people who is leaving all this trash. There is a freaking dumpster right by the freaking building USE IT!!
Not all of them is scum.

Problem is they can't read English!lol

I think next year or so, they closed gate for us.

Thanks for trashed that place.

Next time if I see that happen, I will call JT police and environmental police.
Thats what I love about going by boat.  I'm the only scum on board, and I don't mind the company.  Wink


Of course, you have fewer days to fish due to wx, but hey, you can't have everything in life.

Hey guys, quick question. Does anyone know if generators are allowed behind Fort Wetherill at night? I'd like to set up some lights there for squidding but not sure if it's allowed. Thanks!
Yes, you can use the generators there. Remember always pick up your trash, last year they kick everybody out because of trash.


Happy squidding

Thanks squidtogo! I always clean up after myself ... even if it's the smallest piece of fishing line! Doing my part to keep nature clean!
I use to work for the US Forest Servive, our policy what ever bring in must go out. So it's hard to take.
Morning guys! I've been thinking about investing in a generator and work lights. However, I noticed that there are rechargeable LED work lights on the market now (which hold a 3-4 hour charge) and I'm wondering if those would be the better way to go. Has anyone used these for squidding and would they recommend them over the plug-in type that are used with the generators?

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