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Puget Sound, WA (2014 season)
Caught 20pcs Cry at Des Moines Marina last night. 
Anyone squid fishing upper washington, edmonds or Mukilteo piers.  Cohos coming to an end in the Marine area and am completely new to squid fishing.  Looking for suggestions too but traveling from Redmond.





Any updates on last nights squiding... 





Quote:Well, the new jigs work alright. Got 14 last night; was a little slow, but a nice night to be out.
looking for some good spots closer to redmond area... Any recommendation?
Went to Longbranch on the Key Peninsula last weekend for a Tacoma Power Squadron / Octoberfest cruise. The Squid are definetley in the south sound. I'm kind of excited,  because they are early!
Edmonds was great tonight... I actually caught about 15 but most everyone else was limiting...

Went last night did not do that great but alot of people were there and catching limits.  Ranger showed up around 9 9:30 and checked everyones licenses.  Noticed he asked a few of them if they new the limits on squid and they said yes.  Ranger responded that he looks like he is pretty much done already might want to think about leaving.  Said he will be there more often, so hopefully that will stop the constant taking more then they are supposed to be...


Anyways tonight would had been a good night but had to spend time at home.  Guess I will try the crappy weather tomorrow instead...



Anyone know of squidding piers around Long Beach? Plan on heading up there in November for vacation and was hoping that there's some kind of squidding piers around. Thanks!

Quote:looking for some good spots closer to redmond area... Any recommendation?

Hey, sorry, haven't been on here in a while. Looks like you're figuring things out though! If everyone else is catching and you're having a hard time, don't be afraid to ask them what they're using, and make sure you watch their technique. It could be a jig size thing, or how deep you're fishing, or even how sensitive your rod is. Took me a little while to catch on too, but you'll get there!

(also, shilshole marina has a pier that can be productive, closes at 10pm though)
Beep all the beps!
Anyone been doing anything in Seattle yet this year? It's rather quiet for this time of year.
I got a few last Friday night in Tacoma. Pretty slow yet.

Des Moines Marina nothing last night. baby seal hanging around and 2 birds.

went to Brownsville marina, squid jigging for 2hours(from 5-7pm) very small squid  2 to 5 inches, got 2 lbs..

I limit on squid in downtown Sesttle waterfront Sunday evening.
Time to get out there
Both Redondo and Des Moines were horribly slow on Thursday the 26th. water was cloudy and muddy looking and it didnt look like anyone was bringing them in. Any thoughts on where the squid are this time of year? 

Seattle wasn't too bad this weekend even with the cloudy water
This is my first year squidding in the puget sound around the middle of November I was pulling out 20-30 squid a night as there was large schools. Last few nights not a one is the runs about over for this area? And when do they usually end?
Shhh don't tell anyone but squid jiggin has been good
Already got my limit at Tacoma! Going home now!

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