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The Fishing Party (victoria) 1st General Meeting


TFP(VIC) are pleased to announce their first General Meeting to be held at 7.30PM on Thursday 12th August at the Clubrooms of the Sandringham Anglers Club which is located on the foreshore of the Sandringham Harbour (Melways Reference Map 76 F8)

It is advisable you park in the Beach Road public parking area located on the northern side of the Sandringham Football ground and walk down the ramp towards the beach. The clubhouse is the two-storey red brick building at the bottom of the track. Should access be required for handicapped or less physically able persons arrangements can be made by contacting John Willis on 0407053484.

All are welcome to this open forum where we will present our progress thus far as well as a more detailed explanation of our current structure, policies, agenda and special projects.

Our aim is to strengthen relations with existing and proposed members of the Party while actively encouraging the attendance and participation of the general Angling public whom we are endeavoring to represent. We also welcome associated interest groups and individuals whose ideals are of a similar nature.

Our sport and associated environment are currently under more threat than ever. Be part of the solutions – not part of the problems! Help us to ensure that we will have sustainable fish stocks for the future, as well as the freedom to be able to fish for them in a responsible and balanced manner!

For more details or to let us know of your intended attendance please phone John Willis on 0407053484 or email Help us out! – copy this invitation and take them to your club, tackle or boating outlet, boat ramp or just tell your mates!




TFPVic Secretary
hi aok, i was just wondering how the fishing party is going?

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />
Hi Glen,

The membership is slowly growing as we get round to more and more angling clubs and explain what The Fishing Party (Victorian Branch), TFPVic, stands for and hopes to achieve <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

I recently did a presentation to the Greenvale Sport and Gamefishing Club on the Channel Deepening Project and it was really encouraging to see a clubroom packed with concerned anglers, asking good questions, and offereing their thoughts on both Channel Deepening but also TFPVic. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

November 24th we are visiting Snapper Point Angling Club, December 3rd St Leonards...

We are trying to get the word out as best we can with the limited resources we have.

If anyone on these forums has any questions about joining, helping, or even want us to visit their club just email me at


Angelo Koucoulis


<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> there is now a site for protesting against dredging port phillip bay!!!

read this article. it was in the leader newspaper.


A Mornington man is urging residents angered by the state government plan to deepen the bays shipping channel to register their protests on a new website.

The anti-dredging website [url=""][/url] invites users to have their say by signing an online petition and e-mailing state federal politicions.

Former software business owner Geoffery Brown , who created the site, said the channel-deepening project posed real threat to marine life in the newley established marine national park around the heads at portsea.

"there is the potential for the smothering of marine life due to the increased turbity in the water" he said. "it poses a potentially catastrophic risk to the bay!"

Mr Brown is also concerned about the threat to local beaches by the plan to dump millions of cubic metres of spoil off mt martha. If our beaches get stuffed up, particulary mt martha where they are planning to dump a lot of junk, what will happen to property values? its a side issue but a valid one.

mR bROWN is a keen snorklersaid real fears for future of the bay prompted him to set up thewebsite.

so please help the bay and also your self by taking 5 minutes to sign the petion

and saving the bay rather than a bay of dead, awful beachesforever. so come on fellas and start signing!!!!!

fishy... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />
[/I]Fish whenever you get the chance!
TFPVic Info Night @ St Leonards (3/12/04)

The Fishing Party (Victorian Branch) will be holding an information night where you can meet some of the people behind it, find out what TFPVic is about, what we hope to achieve, and more importantly how YOU can help.

Location: Memorial Hall, Drysdale – St Leonards Rd (Opposite the Primary school), St Leonards

Melways reference 460 B10

Date: Friday 3rd December 2004

Time: 7:30pm

Contact #: Geoff (from Bellarine Bait and Tackle) 03 5257 3372 or 0417 621 570

Angelo 0413 359 925

This is an open invitation to members and non-members as well so bring as many friends along as you like!

Hope to see you there

Angelo Koucoulis


The Fishing Party (Victorian Branch)

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