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Important Topic - Wind And Spearing
[left]I thought it would be a good topic to have a chat on and share some personal tips and ideas. much is too much?

Is there a certain windspeed that u know spearing will be pointless in??? When does the sand get thrown up too much for resonable visibility??

A little case study -

Lets take this weekend weather in Westernport for example. I am planning to spear the inshore rock reefs on the south side of Phillip Island form about 11am to approx 5-6pm. Here is a link to the BOM website indicating wind speeds for the area. [url=""][/url]

Please share ur opinions and substantiate them so some of us beginners may learn something (thats me!!!)

Thanks guys. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' /> [/left]
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?
An offshore wind will flatten out the seas, but it will also blow you away from the land should you get in trouble. I prefer a light offshore. And it's the swell that kicks the sand up and wrecks the viz, not the wind. If you're diving the southern end of Philip Island then Sunday would be the pick of the days with northerly winds forecast - just be careful not to stray too far from the shoreline, and keep enough enrgy to kick back in against the wind. Saturday will also be nice with the light easterly early, but the seabreeze (southerly) will jack the swell up later.

If I were you I'd try and spear very early Sunday, 11-5 are convenient hours for spearing, but you'll do better at dawn <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
Hey Jaz, thanks alot for the info! But im a little confused.

U say an offshore wind is best right (im guessing thats a wind that blows away from land OUT towards sea - that would make sence to flatten out any swells coming IN towards the land essentially canceling each other out) but if im on the south end of Phillip Island, near Pyramid Rock, a northerly wind (im guessing a wind blowing north) is goin to blow IN towards shore rather that AWAY to flatten the sea. Is this right?

Shouldnt a southerly wind be prefferable on the south side of the island (the side pointing towards TAS) as this would blow against the incoming waves and work to flatten out the sea?

Have i got it totally wrong...maybe i just dont have a clue what southerly and northerly wind is? Maybe i got it backwards.

Can u or anyone else for that matter elaborate on the issue??
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?
A northerly wind isn't one that blows to the north, it's a wind that blows FROM the north (towards the south).
Thats makes soo much more sence...i only figured that it was a north blowing wind becase of its name...but thank you very much for the fast elaboration! Appreciated as always. Well, in that case, Sunday seems great! lol...i had actually planned to go on Sunday to begin with so i guess my plans stay the same! How good!!!

Cant wait now...

P.S...thanks to ppl like u Jaz...u can actually learn a fair bit on this forum. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?
[quote name='leaveit' post='6272' date='Mar 10 2006, 05:59 PM']Thats makes soo much more sence...i only figured that it was a north blowing wind becase of its name...but thank you very much for the fast elaboration! Appreciated as always. Well, in that case, Sunday seems great! lol...i had actually planned to go on Sunday to begin with so i guess my plans stay the same! How good!!!

Cant wait now...

P.S...thanks to ppl like u Jaz...u can actually learn a fair bit on this forum. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />[/quote]

So how'd ya go? did you catch anything? put some photos up champ.
Yeah Rohan i did actually...iv already posted the pics under "Australian Diving and Spearfishing locations" in the thread where u posted ur sanpper pic. Just scroll down to the last few posts and you will see some pics of sweep, boarfish, heering cale and magpie perch. Have a look man and gimmie an opinion. Cheers buddy.
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?

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