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Squidfish News - May 2005
[color="blue"]Here is the first Squidfish News.

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Squidfish News – Saturday 8 May 2005

The monthly newsletter of

This issue -

1) Welcome to Squidfish News

2) Forum Improvements

3) Recreational Squid Fishing Reports

4) Cholesterol in Squid

5) Help Wanted - Squid Fishing Locations in Asia

6) Help Wanted - Puget Sound Squid Research

7) Network Sites under Development

8) Newsletter Feedback

Welcome to Squidfish News

Welcome to the first edition of Squidfish News. This newsletter will be published once a month to keep you up-to-date with everything happening in the world of squid fishing! It will be delivered using the following sender address -

Forum Improvements

New "Fishing Buddies" Forum

A forum has been created in the members-only area of the squidfish site to assist you to organise fishing trips with your fellow squidfish members! I hope this is helpful to you.

Fishing Buddies Link - [url=""][/url]

New "Trade Leads" Forum

A new forum has been created for those people wishing to buy or sell squid or fishing related items. You can use this forum to advertise new or used items from squid jigs, to squid products, to fishing boats and even eBay auctions if you wish! Please read the following message for more information -

Trade Leads Forum Announcement - [url=""][/url]

New "Introductions" Forum

A forum for new members to introduce themselves has been created. If you have not yet posted a message in the forums then perhaps this would be a good place to start!

Introductions Forum Link - [url=""][/url]

Recreational Squid Fishing Reports

a. Australia

Pittwater – NSW - [url=""][/url]

Mornington – VIC [url=""][/url]

b. USA

Newport, RI - [url=""][/url]

Greenport, NY - [url=""][/url]

Cholesterol in Squid

Our new member Ace has provided some additional information on high levels of cholesterol found in squid and whether it really is a health concern. He provides evidence indicating that the cholesterol content of squid is only a small part of the picture.

Discussion Link - [url=""][/url]

Help Wanted – Squid Fishing Locations in Asia

I have done some preliminary research into squid fishing locations in Asia . However, I need help from persons who have lived (or still do live) in Asia to assist me to identify more squid fishing locations. In particular, I would like to obtain further information about squid fishing locations in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Japan , and Singapore. If you can help then please visit the Asia forum–

Asia Forum Link - [url=""][/url]

Help Wanted – Puget Sound Squid Research

A graduate student at the University of Washington is seeking help in collecting data on Puget Sound squid for a research project. If you would like to help, see the following topic –

Puget Sound Squid Research - [url=""][/url]

Network Sites under Development

Given my keen interest in photography, particularly underwater photography, I have decided to setup a new website dedicated to underwater photography. I will be moving my existing photography articles (currently accessible via the Photo/Video section of the squidfish site) to the new website very soon. The new site offers me extra storage space and I can now put more of my underwater videos online. I have some underwater videos of squid and also some underwater shots of squid being caught with jigs so stay tuned!

The new site is – [url=""][/url]

I have completed a fair bit of research into squid jig patents which is currently accessible through the "Jig Design" section of the squidfish website. By studying patented inventions, I believe that we can better learn how innovative fishing tackle (eg. a squid jig) is made and this will inspire us to come up with even better tackle designs! Since this topic has to date, received very little attention, and since it extends beyond the realms of squid fishing, I have decided to create a new website to cater for this topic. I will be moving the squid jig patent information to the new site in coming weeks. I expect it will take a few years to build this site but I am in no rush! Of course the squidfish website will continue to be my main priority!

The new site is – [url=""][/url]

The current information is here -

Newsletter Feedback

I would appreciate any feedback on the design or content of this newsletter. Please send me any comments, good or bad!

Have a great day,


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