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International Cephalopod Conference - Hobart
Here are the topics covered in this week's [color="#009900"]international cephalopod conference[/color] in Hobart:


Cephalopod International Advisory Council Symposium 2006


6 – 10 February 2006


1. Stable isotopes, beaks and predators: a new tool to study the trophic ecology of cephalopods Yves Cherel*, Keith A Hobson

2. Nektonic squid as biological pumps between oceanic ecosystems Alexander Arkhipkin

3. Prey size-predator size relationships of squid and their predators in the Northwest Atlantic Michelle Staudinger*, Francis Juanes

4. Using DNA to explore cephalopod diet Kevin Redd*, Jayson Semmens, Gretta Pecl, Stewart Frusher

5. Effect of the environment on the age structure and recruitment of the Argentine shortfin squid, Illex argentinus, in the Southwest Atlantic Lianos Triantafillos*, Alexander Arkhipkin, Zhanna Shcherbich

6. Octopod community and distribution patterns around Elephant Island, Antarctica Uwe Piatkowski*, Louise Allcock, Michael Vecchione

7. Did Antarctic octopuses colonise the deep sea? Jan Strugnell*, Louise Allcock

8. Pelagic cephalopods from oceanic waters off Eastern Australia: Species composition and distribution determined from the diets of large pelagic fishes Jock Young, Matt Lansdell*

9. Cephalopod prey fields in relation to sperm, pilot, and beaked whale sightings off Bear Seamount and Georges Bank in 2002 Mollie Oremland, Michael Vecchione*, Gordon Waring, Elizabeth Shea, Ruth Gibbons

10. Feeding habits of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) and salmon shark (Lamna ditropis) in the transition region of the western North Pacific Tsunemi Kubodera*, Hikaru Watanabe, Taro Ichii

11. Predator-prey interactions in the Southern Ocean: Identification of growth and post-spawning periods of Antarctic squids using albatross diets Jose Xavier*, John Croxall

12. The diet of sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, stranded in New Zealand: Implications for conservation Felipe Gomez-Villota

13. The diet of pygmy sperm whales, Kogia breviceps, stranded in New Zealand: Implications for conservation Emma Beatson


14. Estimation of target strength and mantle length, and behaviour observation of squids using in situ acoustic-optical system Kouichi Sawada*, Hideyuki Takahashi, Koki Abe, Taro Ichii, Hiroki Yasuma, Kazutoshi Watanabe, Yoshimi Takao

15. Why won't my octopus come back: utilizing passive telemetry to understand the dynamics of an octopus population Jayson Semmens*, Julian Harrington

16. Determining natal origins of hatchling squids based on trace element fingerprints within statoliths Gretta Pecl*, Sean Tracey, Leonid Danyushevsky

17. Microchemistry analysis of statoliths from neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the North Pacific Chia-hui Wang*, Chih-Shin Chen, Wann-Nian Tzeng, Cheng-Feng You, Tai-Sheng Chiu

18. Determining connectivity of cephalopod populations using statolith chemistry Bronwyn Gillanders*, Melita de Vries, Steve Donnellan

19. Spatial patterns in key biological features of the chokka squid, Loligo vulgaris reynaudii on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa Leonard Olyott*, Warwick Sauer, Tony Booth

20. Egg balloon masses discovered in the Agulhas current (South Africa) challenge current wisdom and suggest the possibility of an ommastrephid squid fishery in the region Michael Roberts*, Perick Penvin, Allan Connell


21. First-ever observations of a live giant squid in the wild Tsunemi Kubodera* and Kyoichi Mori

22. Conservation of Hox genes among molluscs: the cephalopod exception Laure Bonnaud*, Jean S Deutsch, Mathieu Pernice, Renata Boucher-Rodoni, Aude Andouche

23. Issues in Oegopsid phylogenetics: Can molecular data help to further resolve relationships within Oegopsida? Annie Lindgren

24. Phylogeny and population genetics of Alloteuthis (Loliginidae) and discovery of a cryptic species Frank Anderson*, Vladimir Laptikhovsky, Adria Pilsits, G Bello

25. Genetic diversity of isolated populations of Nautilus pompilius in the Coral Sea Billy Sinclair

26. Genetic and morphological identification of Onykia paralarvae from Northern Hawaiian and western Pacific Waters Toshie Wakabayashi*, Tsunemi Kubodera, Taro Ichii, Mitsuo Sakai, Seinen Chow

27. Squids of the family Gonatidae – genetic relationships and life cycle strategies Oleg Katugin*, Annie Lindgren, Esmeralda Amezquite, Michele Nishiguchi

28. Species complex of Octopus minor (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) from Taiwan waters, including two new species Chuan-Wen Ho*, Chen-Cheng Cheng, Chung-Cheng Lu

29. Deep-sea pelagic cephalopods of Bear Seamount Elizabeth Shea*, Michael Vecchione

30. Population dynamics of a sepiolid squid-Vibrio mutualism from the Indo-west Pacific Michele Nishiguchi*, Bryan Jones

31. Resolutions and origins of the Octopods Mark Norman

32. Demersal cephalopod assemblages and diversity off the north eastern coast of Greece (NE Mediterranean) Eugenia Lefkaditou*, Nina Fragopoulou, Costas Papaconstantinou

33. Description of paralarval Architeuthis and Onychoteuthidae squid (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) from New Zealand waters Steve O'Shea*, Chung Cheng Lu, Malcolm Clarke

34. Review of the systematics, diversity, and spatial and temporal distribution of the New Zealand Onychoteuthid fauna Kathrin Bolstad

35. Taxonomic review of Argonauta cornuta, Conrad, 1854 (Cephalopoda) Andres Gonzalez

36. Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of bacteria with antimicrobial activities from excretory organs of Nautilus Mathieu Pernice

37. Hearing in Octopus Kenzo Kaifu *, Susumu Segawa, Koitiro Tuchiya

38. Spatial distribution pattern of sympatric tropical octopuses at the coastal waters of the Ryukyu Islands Natsumi Kaneko*, Yuzuru Ikeda

39. Antarctic cephalopods – biodiversity and the census of Antarctic marine life Victoria Wadley* and Michael Stoddart


41. Sea change or intersexuality? Nidamental glands in males of the oceanic squid Ancistrocheirus lesuerii Henk-Jan Hoving*, Marek Lipinski, Martina Adriana Compagno Roeleveld, Deon Durholtz, Yolanda Melo

42. Life history of Loligo vulgaris on the shelf of the Thracian Sea (NE Mediterranean) Eugenia Lefkaditou*, Panagiotis Kaspiris

43. Spermatophore formation in Loliginidae: morphology, histology and histochemistry of the spermatophoric organ of Loligo plei, Loligo sanpaulensis and Lolliguncula brevis José Eduardo A. R. Marian*, Osmar Domaneschi

44. Dimorphism in sperm investment patterns associated with alternative mating tactics in the squid Loligo bleekeri Yoko Iwata*, Yasunori Sakurai

45. Multistage life form and ecological niche in cephalopod life cycle: theoretical, population, synecological and evolutionary aspects Chingis Nigmatullin*


46. Estimating the growth of deep sea squid through an individual-based model approach: without and with energetics constraints Eric Grist*, George Jackson, Elizabeth Fulton

47. Effect of Silver on maturation and development of the eggs of cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe*, Paco Bustamante, Estelle Le Bihan, Noussithé Koueta

48. Localisation and characterization of digestive enzymes in cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis Simeoni Noussithe Koueta*, Armelle Perrin, Mlle Estelle le Bihan

50. Overview of metal physiology in cephalopods: general implications Paco Bustamante

51. Statolith and gladius aging of the southern arrow squid (Nototodarus sloanii) Jean McKinnon*, George Jackson

52. Life cycle characteristics of the neon flying squid associated with oceanographic regime in the north Pacific Taro Ichii*, Kedarnath Mahapatra, Mitsuo Sakai, Denzo Inagake

53. Modelling intra-annual abundance variation of Illex argentinus in the southwest Atlantic using generalized additive models Dr Chih-Shin Chen*, Tai-Sheng Chiu

54. Environmental influences on the recruitment of Illex argentinus in the southwest Atlantic: II. The combined effect of larval dispersal and feeding success Cheng-Hua Chang*, Geoff Kirkwood, Murdoch McAllister, Lynne Purchase, John Beddington

55. Age, growth and population flexibility of the squid Loligo plei off the southern coast of Brazil José Angel Alvarez Perez*, Daniela Cordella Aguair, João Antônio Teixeira dos Santos

56. Environmental influences on the spatio-temporal distribution and abundance of the southern Australian arrow squid (Nototodarus gouldi) Kate Stark

57. How environmental factors affect the stock size of ommastrephid squids – a possible scenario Yasunori Sakurai*, Sachi Miyanaga, Jun Yamamoto, Ken Mori


58. The giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) in Prince William Sound, Alaska – adaptive foraging, population trends, and climate change David Scheel*, Tania Vincent

59. Distribution and growth of the common squid paralarvae in the Ria of Vigo (NW Spain) Angel F. González*, Jaime Otero, Angel Guerra

60. Relationship between RNA/DNA ratio and growth in reared squid paralarvae during starvation and refeeding Erica Vidal

61. The role of initial hatchling size and temperature on the growth captive pale octopus (Octopus pallidus) Stephen Leporati, Gretta Pecl, Jayson Semmens

62. Comparative study of the embryonic development of the Japanese ocellate octopus Octopus ocellatus (Gray, 1849) and Octopus vulgaris Hidehiko Hashimoto*, Kotaro Tsuchiya, Susumu Segawa


63. Optimising a closed system for culturing New Zealand broad squid, Sepioteuthis australis Jason Tutara

64. Temporal changes in the inferred areas of optimal survival of Japanese common squid (Todarodes pacificus) paralarvae caused by winter cooling on the spawning grounds Jun Yamamoto*, Yasunori Sakurai

65. Postembryonic development of the adhesive organ in Idiosepius under artificial conditions Takashi Kasugai, Shuishi Shigeno, Waltraud Klepal, Janek Von Byern*

66. Upper beak growth increments in Ommastrephid larvae Matsuo Sakai*, Norma Brunetti, John Bower, Beatriz Elena, Tsuneo Wakabayashi, Akihito Yatsu


67. New method of direct stock assessment of the loliginid squid Marek Lipinski*, Mike Soule

68. A bayesian delury model for the stock assessment of Loligo gahi from Falkland Islands waters Pia Orr

69. A multi-indicator system for the assessment and management of the short-fin squid Illex coindetii (Verany 1839) stock in the southern Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean) Luca Ceriola*, Nicola Ungaro, Francesco Toteda

70. The English Channel stock of Sepia officinalis: Can biomass dynamic models snd survey indices help to understand the increase in landings? Beatriz Roel, Georg Engelhard, Juliette Royer, Véronique Legrand, Franck Coppin, Jean-Paul Robin*

71. Population structure in the giant Australian cuttlefish: Combining information from molecular, morphometric and chemical approaches Melita De Vries*, Bronwyn Gillanders, Steve Donnellan, Leanne Wheaton

72. The diversity of cephalopods in commercial fisheries of New South Wales, Australia Jonathan Nottage*, Steven S. Montgomery, Ron J. West, Ken J. Graham

73. Fisheries biology of northern Australian squid Malcolm Dunning*, Leonard Olyott, Kate Yeomans

74. Management of the Southern Squid Jig Fishery Philip Domaschenz*, Yvonne Zunic

75. Assessing the feasibility of using 'by-catch' data as a pre-recruit index in South Australia's southern calamary (Sepioteuthis australis) fishery Mike Steer

76. Co-operative development of area-based management of southern calamary Matt Bradshaw

77. An ecological study of Nautilus at Osprey Reef Andrew Dunstan

78. Key behavioral attributes of squid and cuttlefish spawning aggregations that warrant consideration for conservation and fisheries management Roger Hanlon

79. Assessing the validity of stylets as ageing tools in Octopus pallidus Zoe Doubleday*, Jayson Semmens, Gretta Pecl, George Jackson

80. Management of Tasmanian octopus fishery Rod Pearn

81. Southern calamary: an overview of reproductive ecology relevant to fisheries management Natalie Moltschaniwskyj*, Gretta Pecl, Ty Hibberd


82. Variability in cephalopod and pelagophil fish reproductive strategies in respect to the species diversity Vladimir Laptikhovsky

83. Fecundity and reproductive strategies of deep-sea incirrate octopuses Iain Barratt*, Louise Allcock, Mark Johnson

84. The protection of future breeding stocks – modelling spawning areas of the squid Loligo forbesi Graham J. Pierce*, Colin Macleod, Gabriele Stowasser, Tooraj Valinassab, M.Begona Santos, Jianjun Wang, Ian Tuck

85. The daily spawning cycle of Loligo vulgaris reynaudii Warwick Sauer*, Y. Melo

86. Evidence for multiple year classes of the giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama Karina Hall*, Anthony Fowler, Michael Geddes

Link to international cephalopod conference - [url=""]international cephalopod conference[/url]
The Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC) is an international non-profit

organisation dedicated to promoting cephalopod science and coordinating discussion

and debate on critical issues relating to fisheries, management and conservation around

the world. CIAC is the only broadly representative international professional body of

squid, octopus and cuttlefish scientists.

The Symposium was held at the Hotel Grand Chancellor in Hobart, Tasmania in

February 2006. The theme was “Cephalopod lifecycles: biology, conservation and


Conference Organising Committee

Dr Natalie Moltschaniwskyj, University of Tasmania

Dr Gretta Pecl, University of Tasmania

Dr George Jackson, University of Tasmania

Dr Jayson Semmens, University of Tasmania

Conference Secretariat

Andrea Goodwin

Conference Design Pty Ltd

PO Box 342

Sandy Bay Tasmania 7006



p: 03 6224 3773

f: 03 6224 3774

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