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Tungsten Weight Oscillate System
Hi everyone,

I just came across this jig design and thought it looked interesting...if only I cold speak Japanese! I will have to rely on a computer translator for now.

[url=""]     [/url]


Quote:WARNING - BAD TRANSLATION BELOW! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/oops.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

Tungsten Weight Oscillate System

tungsten weight oscillating mechanism, キャスタビリティ 10 percent rise (this corporation ratio). Furthermore the delicate weight vibration and movement at the time of the plain gauze chestnut operate, スレ are in also the squid securely the switch are turned on, the one step it advanced, actualizing "the super dirt & roll action". The glow of the foundation (noctilucence) the gill through glow which shines fascinating, is the favorite of the squid in エラ form DNA of

Realface & Gill Through Glow

アオリイカ is stimulated until recently ルアーテイスト which is not in addition to the real face, and producing ベイト which weakens. How スレ it is with these two multiplier effects the squid to be extreme temptation.

Balance Hole Sharp Edge Sinker

The sharp edge form which actualizes the dirt & the roll action to which the sinker lightens the resistance at the time of the plain gauze chestnut, has キレ. The plus sinker (selling separately) installing, therefore simply weight ダイワオリジナルシンカー which has the balancing hole which can be raised, deeply while also capture of the place is thinking.

Side Stainless Line Eye

Rod action the transverse stainless steel eye which is conveyed more faithfully and accurately vis-a-vis the obstacle guarantees also the sufficient strength which it does not become deformed. The necessary item in order to attain victory with the popularity point which masters keen.

Super Sharp Bump Hook

The super sharp point which does not let escape the short byte. Approximately by open angle of 2 step needles and the fact that arrangement is shifted, the body not being cut off, actualizing the ideal hooking which sticks securely. One point appeal tape In the red tape gold tape hollow tape noctilucence tape in the part of the waist the "marble tape", in the marble tape by the fact that the "noctilucence siding tape" pastes in the foundation, furthermore it has increased appeal power in the siding section.

This is the original text:

[color="#333333"]1 Tungsten Weight Oscillate System[/color] [Image: toumei.gif] [Image: eglumdsquidp03.jpg] タングステンウエイトオシレート機構によりキャスタビリティが10パーセントアップ(当社比)。しかもシャクリ時の微妙なウエイト振動や移動が作用し、ス レたイカにも確実にスイッチを入れてくれる、一歩進んだ「スーパーダート&ロールアクション」を実現。

[color="#333333"]2 Realface & Gill Through Glow[/color] [Image: toumei.gif] [Image: eglumdsquidp04.jpg] アオリイカのDNAを刺激する従来にはないルアーテイストなリアルフェイスに加え、エラ形状に下地のグロー(夜光)が妖しく光るギルスルーグローが、イカ の好物である弱ったベイトを演出。この2つの相乗効果でどんなにスレたイカも激しく誘惑。

3 Balance Hole Sharp Edge Sinker


4 Side Stainless Line Eye


5 Super Sharp Bump Hook




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