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Newport Ri 2015 Squid Season
Quote:We all come here for one reason,if that bothers you then why are you here adding anything or taking anything to/from this forum.I understand keeping spots amongst friends,but complaining about it on the INTERNET is a complete oxymoron.
Thanks for calling me for that hahaha.

Actually I never taking any info from this forum, I'd love to share my reports and rig setup etc and if you ever meet me in person, you are sure to know I am easy going person.

But like I said I never took any info.

Also Did you ever noticed our fishing spot is trashed after wanna be big mouth spread words?

I'm not try to be an azzhole but if you have a brain think logically.

I don't mind picking up my own mess and some other's too but since government official talked to me they consider shutting down some our favorite spots.

Remember 2 years ago incident at cape???

If you do, you probably figure out what I'm talking about.

Well enough to say.

Good bye to all of you.

And I will report to Environmental police or local police if I ever seeing violation.

So long.
I drove by the causeway today and no one was there. With the warming weather I hope the run starts soon.

Capt. Eric Thomas
SquiderBruce, I understand where you are coming from.  We all wouldn't want our favorite fishing spot banned for something foolish as littering.  There is always a bad apple in the bunch, but if we all work together we can compensate for that bad apple and perhaps it won't come back.    


I am new and I do see that you are a veteran and I am sure you have contributed a bunch.  I'd hate to see you go.  I am sure you are full of squid knowledge to help out the newbies.  


My crew(fishing buddies) has been contributing to the cleaning of spots we hit up and inform anyone we see littering.  It is a lot of work, but little things do add up.

The last time i checked this was a SQUID forum meaning finding out information on squidfishing, so if you are not here to find information or give it why are you wasting your time here. If you have your secret little spot just go there dont come here.  Last year i went to Goat Island eary spring and nobody was there  but after driving and hour i tried anyway and i filled a bucket, hopefully they will be there in a couple of weeks, i will post if they are in.

Hello everybody ! im new here and i want to wish good luck for the new season !!    

Quote:The last time i checked this was a SQUID forum meaning finding out information on squidfishing, so if you are not here to find information or give it why are you wasting your time here. If you have your secret little spot just go there dont come here.  Last year i went to Goat Island eary spring and nobody was there  but after driving and hour i tried anyway and i filled a bucket, hopefully they will be there in a couple of weeks, i will post if they are in.
blah blah blah. When was last time did you share report???

I'm not talking about wanna getting less ppl to fishing, my point is don't trashed our spot!

I guess you are tiffical snatch. Huh?

If I remember correctly, I never seen you write any report.

What a joke. Get a
Quote:SquiderBruce, I understand where you are coming from.  We all wouldn't want our favorite fishing spot banned for something foolish as littering.  There is always a bad apple in the bunch, but if we all work together we can compensate for that bad apple and perhaps it won't come back.    


I am new and I do see that you are a veteran and I am sure you have contributed a bunch.  I'd hate to see you go.  I am sure you are full of squid knowledge to help out the newbies.  


My crew(fishing buddies) has been contributing to the cleaning of spots we hit up and inform anyone we see littering.  It is a lot of work, but little things do add up.
I don't mind clean out what ever mess I found.

What I've been seeing is most of my fishing buddy usually clean up but most of time strangers tossing trash here and there.

Because of that DEM and city of Newport ,Jamestown consider banning or limit fishing.

I don't know how many people really care about it especially people from other area.

And of course, last couple of time some nice fellow fisher man decide to took my tackle box.

That just unacceptable.

If you search my post. You will see, I certainly contribute a lot of info here and I usually offer to the other member share my light too.

At this point I just don't know what to say.

Few bad apple? Yeah right.
 Lighten up Bruce!! I tell everybody on here when I am into the squids and where I am catching them, it's no biggie. Yes, there are slobs everywhere, but I doubt there are many or any on here, and yes, we all need to do our part to clean up for those who are slobs regardless, I think all members here are aware of that. I do understand that it is much more popular squidding where you do than where I do, and there are likely to be more jerks where you fish, but I don't think it is necessary to carry on about said jerks. I am sorry to hear you lost your tackle box, stuff happens, there are idiots around, but did you forget it and go back later to find it gone?? I can hardly imagine anybody actually sneaking up and taking it from your spot while you were there. I do know people who have left their rod or tackle box behind when they left for another spot only to return and find their gear gone, but that is sort of their own fault. I don't really see why one needs to take a tackle box anyways, I just put my favorite four jigs in my pocket along with a couple of split shots in case I need more weight, and I'm ready for any squids and there is no box to lose. Let's just hope we get an awesome spring run and we all have a lot of fun catching Mr. Squiggly!!

Quote: Lighten up Bruce!! I tell everybody on here when I am into the squids and where I am catching them, it's no biggie. Yes, there are slobs everywhere, but I doubt there are many or any on here, and yes, we all need to do our part to clean up for those who are slobs regardless, I think all members here are aware of that. I do understand that it is much more popular squidding where you do than where I do, and there are likely to be more jerks where you fish, but I don't think it is necessary to carry on about said jerks. I am sorry to hear you lost your tackle box, stuff happens, there are idiots around, but did you forget it and go back later to find it gone?? I can hardly imagine anybody actually sneaking up and taking it from your spot while you were there. I do know people who have left their rod or tackle box behind when they left for another spot only to return and find their gear gone, but that is sort of their own fault. I don't really see why one needs to take a tackle box anyways, I just put my favorite four jigs in my pocket along with a couple of split shots in case I need more weight, and I'm ready for any squids and there is no box to lose. Let's just hope we get an awesome spring run and we all have a lot of fun catching Mr. Squiggly!!
Well you got my point!

I was talking about keep clean and enjoyable fishing environment not the few things that I mentioned negatively.

And about my tackle box...

It was placed right behind me and I was concentrating on squidding, when I turn around 5 min later it's gone.

Needless to say. What a nice guy!

So this year I decided to put GPS tracker and alarm on my tackle box.

Hopefully that nice guy took my bait 😆 lol
Let's get back on topic fellas and quit the bitching. I know it's still a bit early for the squid but does anyone have any other intel to share? any herring or other baitfish around the causeway?

what size jigs did you use at the causeway ??
Quote:what size jigs did you use at the causeway ??

 The Yamashita Naory RH in size 1.8B has been pretty hot all over the northeast. I like white, orange, and pink. They are EXPENSIVE, but work really well. Lucky Bait in Warren usually has a large selection, or you can call Tomo's in Salem, MA and order them from him. I always use jigs about 3&1/2" or less. Squid Jig Warehouse (online) carries a lot of jigs and he will be cheaper than most tackle shops for the Martinetti jigs and others although he doesn't carry Yamashita or Yozuri. There is also a tackle shop in Newport and one in Providence that carry the Naorys although I can't remember the names of those shops and when I have been to those I found Lucky had a better selection. I like to use these smaller jigs on a light, short (5-6') sensitive graphite rod with four pound test for best jig action.

I've been to Lucky bait shop 1 week ago and they have a whole rack of jigs that slides on rails.  Pretty impressive!  Dave at Ocean State Tackle in providence have newer selection and varieties.  The ones I want are the warm jacket, but they are $17 each.  He has a deal though, buy 3 and get $3.00 off or something like that.  But definitely worth it, sucks if you get stuck and lose it though.  


I've had many success with smallest size yamashita pink glow in the dark.  I've caught all squid sizes with this little jig.  Going to try the white chin this weekend.  Hope they are in.

$17 is too much!! Tomo has Naory RH 1.8B warm jackets for 12 bucks. How much were they at Lucky's? I was at Ocean State last year and he did't have much in the way of Yamashitas and he was higher in price than Lucky or Tomo. What's the white chin? I have a white one with a red head area that worked well last fall, but I tried several different Naorys in size and color and they all did equally well. I could only get the Naory 1.5 (the little one) in the light weight last year and although it took forever to sink it definitely slew the squids. Tomo also sells the nifty jig hook covers that are fantastic as you can keep a bunch in your pockets without them snagging on everything. There are pics of these cool little gizmos in my gallery here if you wish to see what they look like. (click on my user name and go to "gallery")

sizes like 2.0 or 2.5 they don't work at all or it's very heavy?
Quote:sizes like 2.0 or 2.5 they don't work at all or it's very heavy?
When the squid are in hot and heavy, anything will work in just about any size. The old adage is that a big jig catches big squid but a small jig catches all squid. Last year, most of the squid in the Spring run were in excess of a foot long. I saw people catching them with the Walmart kind, the kind with the hooks However, if you get too small, the current and/or wind on your line will wreak havoc on you. I tried one of the really small Martinetti jigs and I literally couldn't get it to sink no matter how long I left it. The wind blowing on my line was enough to pull it in. The Yo-Zuri jigs which are available for $5-10 at most tackle stores plus behind the register at Benny's stores work well enough. I believe these are a size 2.5 which are about 3.5 inches long from hook to front. People seem to have better luck with the smaller prawn-style jig. The prevalent bait around here in the Spring are tiny shrimp, so matching that isn't a bad idea. However, another old adage is that squid strike on the drop. So, if you get a big, fast-sinking jig, you have a few seconds for the squid to see it, investigate it and grab it. With the smaller, slower sinking jigs, you have 10-15 seconds. The unfortunate thing is that you really could stand to have a bunch of colors and styles and sizes so that you can match what the squid want. At $5-30 per jig, that gets expensive real fast. Especially when you consider that you can buy fresh, RI-caught cleaned squid for very little money.
I just came from squid fishing at fort wetherill state park.... Absolutely nothing. I will be trying again in another week or two, believing it still too early in the season.
Hey you squidaholics! It's April 18 ... has anyone caught, seen, or heard of squid being caught yet? Many thanks!
The water is still too cold for squid..... we need 50 degree for wtmp....... May be the end of the month

MM    DD    TIME
(EDT)          WDIR    WSPD
kts    GST
kts    WVHT
ft    DPD
sec    APD
sec    MWD    PRES
in    PTDY
in    ATMP
°F    WTMP
°F    DEWP
°F    SAL
psu    VIS
nmi    TIDE
04    18    6:42 am          NNW    1.9    2.9    -    -    -    -    29.93    -    49.8    42.3    -    -    -    -
04    18    6:36 am          N    1.9    4.1    -    -    -    -    29.93    -    51.6    42.3    -    -    -    -
04    18    6:30 am          N    2.9    4.1    -    -    -    -    29.93    -    51.1    42.3    -    -    -    -
04    18    6:24 am          N    4.1    5.1    -    -    -    -    29.93    -    50.7    42.3    -    -    -    -
04    18    6:18 am          N    4.1    5.1    -    -    -    -    29.93    -    50.7    42.3    -    -    -    -
04    18    6:12 am          N    4.1    4.1    -    -    -    -    29.92    -    48.6    42.3    -    -    -
Caught 9 squid today from my boat. I was on Nebraska shoals right by the red can. I marked bait on the fish finder and dropped a jig. I Had surface water temp of 45 degrees. You goat island kids should see them in a week or so.. They are on the way.

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