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Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid
First time squidding. 800lbs 3 guys one night. Not bad?
Squid caught in edgartown last night. Big tubes. Headed there tonight
Quote:Hi folks,


I'm thinking of making the 2 hour drive to Hyannis docks tomorrow (Wednesday) night... just checking if anyone's caught any in the last couple of days off the docks Smile I'll probably go anyway, but would be nice to get confirmation...


Hi FisherMonkey,

My buddies just got back from Hyannis with 4 buckets per guy.

So the squid still there, just slower than last few days.

That been said, they Fish from boats.
Thanks Squidfox! If I can just catch a few to get my first for the year... I'll be happy  :woot:

Going to try again this weekend if weather is good
Do woodhole have squid
Do JT and woodhole have squid??
 Hi inthedunes, I sent you a personal message with some good info regarding those lights in Etown.

Thanks Gilligan. I got it and sent a reply. I appreciate the help.
Quote:Thanks Squidfox! If I can just catch a few to get my first for the year... I'll be happy  :woot:

Hi, I'm taking a two hour drive as well but don't quite know where took when I'm out there. Think im going to just wing it unless somebody can point me in the right direction. Also are there any early morning walk on charter boats in Hyannis?
Sorry for the late report... didn't get a chance to get on yesterday...


I ended up going to Hyannis port Wed night - got there around 8pm... stayed for about 4 hours...


I didn't catch anything... there were a few other guys there - I think I saw about 12 squid pulled out between about 8 people...


So they're there, but not thick... not sure how it went last night...


Skwidbert, you can squid right off the docks there... They have a section roped off right now to install "sewer lines?" - but you can fish right next to it...


I think there are walk-on charter boats and party boats... I did the Hyline fishing last year... 
I was offered a ride out by a couple of guys I met on another board. nI'm pretty sure they are new members here but don't know their screen names here.


Anyway, they are still in the area.  We came out of the mashpee area somewhere and anchored up just outside the harbor with a group of boats.   We managed about 5-6 buckets in one tide swing.  They said it was slower than last week but still ok.


The predators are moving in though.  We were plaqued by scup.  And it looked like another boat got a nice blackfish.


I used an over/under rig with a yozuri mini on top and a 3.5 inch below.   The mini outfished the bigger cousin 4:1 easily.  Some doubles for me, but mostly singles.    6 pound fluoro.   One  of the other guys used 3 rigs, with at leasr 2 mini's, and he was getting a lot of doubles and a few triples.


We were outfishing the boats around us to the point that one of the comm boats stopped on their way ouuuut and asked what we were doing or using.   Wink


This boards advice to go light and small definitely works.  Thanks!
 Greg, great to see you did well and know the light and small kills the best!!

Thanks Gil.. I'm a convert.


But one thing that drove me crazy was all the wind knots and twist on the 6 pound fluoro.  I may just put a 10-15 foot topshot on and use heavier line for the base.  Maybe a couple of inline spro swivels also. 


It was breezy, but it's always breezy when squid fishing.


I don't normally fish with line this small.  Heck, even my rigging floss is thicker than this stuff.  Anyone have any thoughts on how to prevent this on line that is finer than hair?

I swung by Memorial Wharf last night around eleven. I only had a couple minutes, and I am also a novice, so this report shouldn't put you off. I didn't get any. There were a few other people down there and I didn't see anybody catching in that short time, but I didn't ask how they had done either. The good news is the lights were on. I will try again a few nights this week.
I fished with Capt Jeff of the Bad Influence late afternoon yesterday (Sunday).  Squid were still there, but it seems they are thinning out finally. 

We made a few drift for scup to make videos of light fishing rod action.  We had one of the best squid run in Hyannis in 10 years and I feel porty run this year is as good as or better than in good old days. 

Quote:Thanks Gil.. I'm a convert.


But one thing that drove me crazy was all the wind knots and twist on the 6 pound fluoro.  I may just put a 10-15 foot topshot on and use heavier line for the base.  Maybe a couple of inline spro swivels also. 


It was breezy, but it's always breezy when squid fishing.


I don't normally fish with line this small.  Heck, even my rigging floss is thicker than this stuff.  Anyone have any thoughts on how to prevent this on line that is finer than hair?


Dont reel against the drag.  using light line with a very slight drag setting makes it easy to reel but no line comes in=twisting knoting line.

If not coming in for you pump the rod up and reel down but the more you reel without taking in line just twists the line to the point it breaks easily.

Especially pulling doubles and the deeper the easier it is to twist line.  I use 6 lb most of the time when I step up its to 8 lb test.
janz, that makes a lot of sense.  I was paranoid about breakoffs so i kept the drag light.  I was slipping a lot.



Do they still squid at hyannis in the boat?? At night
I hit edgartown around ten last night. No squid that I saw. A few others were trying for them too without luck. I tend to stop by very briefly so it may have been better earlier or later. I will try again soon.

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