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Newport, Ri - 2008 Squid Season
What I find helps when squid are shy is to keep the jig very still. If you drive all that distance, you should book a trip on the Frances Fleet. They are going out this weekend. I might go Sat night if I don't go fluke fishing instead.
I'm thinking about maybe making a trip up this weekend although i'm not sure. Got a guy coming to look at my truck tomorrow and possibly leave a deposit. If he doesn't end up leaving the deposit, i'll likely head up. If he does, i probably won't just to keep the miles down on my truck
Squid: The other other OTHER white meat
For line shy squids...I have special custom jigs that will handle those squids. These jigs are made to cast out and sink slowly like injured bait fish, with little retrieve here and there. Squids can't resist these jigs. Get them every time. I usully have two rod with me; one for bottom fishing and the other for occasion like these.
Where can I get these jigs?
So this past Sun I head to gi w/ a friend...

Had a couple new jigs I wanted to test out...I throw out a few times, squid attacks it & comes off reeling in....another after that. Then another, but in the bucket.

After 30 min a get a GOOD hit & the line starts moving to the right, quickly & my rod is jerking up & down. I think what the heck kind of squid is this? I reel in.....schoolie striper. First time catching that while squidding at gi....

On another note. The squid were there...having a buffet on the little eels. Just gotta know how to get them to take. Looks like a longer season guys?

How much longer?
I don't think they sell these jigs anywhere.
2 night squid fishing and 2 days porgy fishing.

Fished GI area Thur night and Friday night. It was not red hot but squid are there, all sizes including the tiny new-born that's about a finger long. Checked out the bridge and wall and most people caught a handful. Went to my spot and caught about a dozen from midnight to 3am (free-riding other's light). Then drove to New Bedford on a porgy trip in Buzzards bay which was great (filled my 1st cooler). Went back to GI Friday afternoon. Parked the car by the bridge. Only caught 3 squid off the bridge. Took a nap in the car. Right by the magic time (Sun set around 8:30pm) started catching squid pretty consistent. Got about 2 dozens until midnight. Then drove to Hyannis for a morning porgy trip which was excellent (filled my 2nd cooler). Back to home Sat night.

Schoolie bass are in the GI area, you can hear them rolling on surface occassionly, which makes the remaining squid very skittish. Not many big squid left, I only caught 2-3 tubers, most are just about a hand long. Schoolie bass are also in Hyannis habor area and didn't see any squid there either.
OOPS I tried putting this post in here but I guess I ended up somewhere else, sorry if ther is a duplicate out there, Ill figure out the website soon.

Hi Everybody, Im new to squid fishing, just went for the first time (Thurday to Friday) on an overnighter to GI with my brother. I know it late in the season but we have been wanting to go for the past 2 year and never got a chance. This is a great website (go info) especially for me since I live in CT with a 2 hr drive. Special thanks to Tatonka for showing us the ropes, the jigs and letting us fish with you and your lights. We should have gone Stripper fishing with you too (My brother ended up going to work on Friday but I blew it off). I think we did well for out first time, a quarter bucket between the 2 of us. Watching the squid stare at my jig I felt like I was trying to tell them to just grag on!! It wont hurt much, come to the light. Most of of them of course didn't listen to me.

Hope the squiding stay good for one more week, Im planning on a trip mid week around Wed if it does not rain. If not I'll change over to stripper fishing. (We fish for everything).

If anyone is interested probably a far drive for all of you, today is free fishing day in Mass and I beieive VT also.

Thanks again for the website.
Suzy and I did well, we managed around 80 squid between 8:00 and 2:00 am. They were very picky. I had tjwo blue jigs one with dimples and another one a bit larger without any dimples. The sqid would only take the dimpled smaller jig. The pink jigs weren't doing it. The squid were everywhere.

Fished with Totonka and Tony for a little while. The GI cleared out by 12:00 am.
Good bite last night. Stayed from 10pm til almost 6am. Ended up with 120 squid between 2 people. Most were small, but it was the most successful trip i've had so far this year. They are obviously still here, but easily spooked. The stripers must be giving them a good chase. If anyone has any info on the success of recent Frances Fleet trips, please let me know. Thanks!
[quote name='Somerville Squidman' post='12112' date='Jun 10 2008, 06:28 PM']Good bite last night. Stayed from 10pm til almost 6am. Ended up with 120 squid between 2 people. Most were small, but it was the most successful trip i've had so far this year. They are obviously still here, but easily spooked. The stripers must be giving them a good chase. If anyone has any info on the success of recent Frances Fleet trips, please let me know. Thanks![/quote]

I don't know why everyone gave up so early this season. Suzy and I also have done well the last two weekends. What style and color jig did you use?
[quote name='johnat' post='12120' date='Jun 11 2008, 07:08 AM']I don't know why everyone gave up so early this season. Suzy and I also have done well the last two weekends. What style and color jig did you use?[/quote]

Early on we were using the 3 jig w/ 1oz weight setup (pink, pink, orange). The majority of our catch came after we switched to single jig without a weight. I was using pink and my friend was using orange. We used Yozuri Lasers and these smaller Yozuri shrimp-looking jigs. The shrimp ones worked MUCH better. Both were equally successful. How about you?

Also, we are thinking about making a trip down to the Frances Fleet on Thursday night. Like you said, people are giving up early this season, so they actually cancelled last Sunday's trip because not enough people made reservations. "Pearldiver" had a very good catch on Saturday, so they are definitely still biting. Hopefully a few people on this forum want to make the trip and reserve a spot. I'm afraid the end of the season is approaching, but until then, best of luck to you and Suzy. Maybe i'll get a chance to meet you guys. Take care.
[quote name='Somerville Squidman' post='12124' date='Jun 11 2008, 12:23 PM']Early on we were using the 3 jig w/ 1oz weight setup (pink, pink, orange). The majority of our catch came after we switched to single jig without a weight. I was using pink and my friend was using orange. We used Yozuri Lasers and these smaller Yozuri shrimp-looking jigs. The shrimp ones worked MUCH better. Both were equally successful. How about you?

Also, we are thinking about making a trip down to the Frances Fleet on Thursday night. Like you said, people are giving up early this season, so they actually cancelled last Sunday's trip because not enough people made reservations. "Pearldiver" had a very good catch on Saturday, so they are definitely still biting. Hopefully a few people on this forum want to make the trip and reserve a spot. I'm afraid the end of the season is approaching, but until then, best of luck to you and Suzy. Maybe i'll get a chance to meet you guys. Take care.[/quote]

Thanks for the reply, I noticed the smaller and orange colored jigs worked best this year. I'll have to try some this fall. We won't be going this weekend we have a camping trip planned. I would like to try one more time this month. I was told by some locals the sqiud are there all summer long.
Quote:I was told by some locals the sqiud are there all summer long

I think so too, cause the new-born are there already. Btw, what do you guys think about the sudden jerk action that all those sharpies do? what's the purpose? and after the jerking do you just let the jig fall back down quick or you hold your line to do a controlled fall? I never figure out what's the purpose of the jerking, but it did bring in some bites.
[quote name='Andy' post='12126' date='Jun 11 2008, 02:26 PM']I think so too, cause the new-born are there already. Btw, what do you guys think about the sudden jerk action that all those sharpies do? what's the purpose? and after the jerking do you just let the jig fall back down quick or you hold your line to do a controlled fall? I never figure out what's the purpose of the jerking, but it did bring in some bites.[/quote]

we did best with the single jig floating down but we did not let it sink all the way. We kept the jig in view and jiggled it just a bit. The squid would stare it then slowly approach it. It was nerve racking but if you kept the jig still they would hit it. You had to be quick and start reeling in or they would get off. We caught squid all night with this technique.
[quote name='Andy' post='12126' date='Jun 11 2008, 02:26 PM']I think so too, cause the new-born are there already. Btw, what do you guys think about the sudden jerk action that all those sharpies do? what's the purpose? and after the jerking do you just let the jig fall back down quick or you hold your line to do a controlled fall? I never figure out what's the purpose of the jerking, but it did bring in some bites.[/quote]

It mimics scare/injury bait, search for youtube (glen post some of them on the site as well), you will see lots of the Japanese pro do the same way. Try to copy their jigging, it's rewarding....
for those of you wondering what the frances fleet has been doing, see below. i didn't know they allowed you to fluke while on that boat. I just might have to try it this weekend.

Friday, June 13th

Capt. Ray reported a great night on the south shore beaches fishing for squid. It was a really interesting evening for the small group of anglers who went and it was a shame that more anglers were not able to get in on some of the finest action available along the beach at this time of year. The squid bite started slow but during the night the pick intensified and the last hour and a half saw an excellent pick of squid of various sizes including again some of the largest squid this angler has ever seen. Peter and Connie had no problem filling a five gallon pail and then some with all anglers doing quite well. Double headers were commonplace and even a few triple headers. The squid were in all parts of the water column but especially prevalent up on the surface where they roamed by the thousands chasing spearing and each other all over the place. It was really a sight to see. The other big news of the night was the fluking that some anglers enjoyed while anchored up. Yes that is correct, anchored up! One angler who took turns fishing for both fluke and squid throughout the night had not only a bunch of nice squid but had his limit of fluke to 4.5 lbs out of a catch of over 20 fish!! He took his limit of summer flatties using tandem spro jigs. Another angler had a dozen shorts, 3 sea bass and 3 nice scup fishing a bait rig while anchored up! Ron from Westerly fluked the first hour or so and in that time managed to bucktail 3 fine keepers to 4lbs and a bunch of shorts before switching over to squid. A bunch of shorts on the squid jigs as well. Dennis from Mass did a fine job with the squid last night catching double headers just about every cast, especially later in the night. If anyone has any doubt about the status in the number of squid along the beach, rest assured they are still as thick as can be. Next squid trip is scheduled for tonight at 7pm aboard the Admiral Frances by reservation.
Squid: The other other OTHER white meat
They were probably allowed to fluke because it was a near empty boat. If the boat was at capacity, fluking would cause a mess.
I was on the Frances Fleet last night. It was great. I want to go tonight but not sure there is going to be enough to sail. They need 10 to sail. 1st hr or so of sunlight was fluke heaven. last 3 hrs was squid heaven. I'm hooked. I ended up with 3/4 pail of squid. I'm the Dennis in the report. If anyone is interested in going tonight.....please call ahead now so they do NOT cancel tonight's boat.... Tommorow looks like a storm out.

[quote name='twiggy' post='12144' date='Jun 13 2008, 05:07 PM']They were probably allowed to fluke because it was a near empty boat. If the boat was at capacity, fluking would cause a mess.[/quote]

Just a FYI, we were anchored up for squidin when the fluke were being caught. There wasn't much difference in technique between fishin for fluke or squid...........just different jig setups.

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