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New To Forum
hi all im anthony new to the forum.i love my squidding.i do get a few easy to clean up when they are on.i use a loomis rod with a spheros 3000 shimano filled with 20lbs braid and 15lb flurocarbon as trace.and good quality jigs.i must say before anyone says 20lbs is heavy think of the thickness its thin and when using it around rocks the $20 jigs come out easier when snagged.hardly ever miss out on squid unless its bad weather. hope to hear from you squidders out there.keep squidding. squidking29
hi squid king! welcome to the forum! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' /> which country you from?
hi glen and all im from sydney,nsw, australia.thanks for the welcome.hoping to go out squidding this weekend.

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