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Newport Ri 2010 Squid Season
Hello everybody, i've been reading this blog for about 2 years and i just desided to join. it seems like everybody has been squiding for a while now, me on the other hand been squiding for about 3 years and i enjoy it very much. i have a question if anybody can answer me. and sorry if i am missguided. but when does squid season really starts? i read that it starts march 1st but people have also been telling me it doesnt start untill april! So anybody knows whats the deal?
[quote name='charlie' post='17970' date='Mar 23 2010, 11:38 PM']Hello everybody, i've been reading this blog for about 2 years and i just desided to join. it seems like everybody has been squiding for a while now, me on the other hand been squiding for about 3 years and i enjoy it very much. i have a question if anybody can answer me. and sorry if i am missguided. but when does squid season really starts? i read that it starts march 1st but people have also been telling me it doesnt start untill april! So anybody knows whats the deal?[/quote]

Theres no real answer to that. The run could start in Apr (mid/late) to early May. Keep checking the thread. Talk to the fellow squidfish members. And more importantly, PUT THE TIME IN, especially with squid.

With that said, generally speaking...Late Apr & pretty much all of May.

I wouldnt waste my time trying in Mar.

Tight lines <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/fishing.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />
[quote name='Mr. Brian' post='17971' date='Mar 24 2010, 01:54 PM']Theres no real answer to that. The run could start in Apr (mid/late) to early May. Keep checking the thread. Talk to the fellow squidfish members. And more importantly, PUT THE TIME IN, especially with squid.

With that said, generally speaking...Late Apr & pretty much all of May.

I wouldnt waste my time trying in Mar.

Tight lines <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/fishing.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />[/quote]

thanks for the info Mr. Brian i'll be looking forward to get some answers from other members. i just cant wait to get out there and start squidin <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
the sqiid run is twice a year mid april to june then oct to dec

[quote name='charlie' post='17970' date='Mar 23 2010, 10:38 PM']Hello everybody, i've been reading this blog for about 2 years and i just desided to join. it seems like everybody has been squiding for a while now, me on the other hand been squiding for about 3 years and i enjoy it very much. i have a question if anybody can answer me. and sorry if i am missguided. but when does squid season really starts? i read that it starts march 1st but people have also been telling me it doesnt start untill april! So anybody knows whats the deal?[/quote]
[quote name='RESCUE17' post='17837' date='Mar 17 2010, 02:06 AM']Ok, I'm planning on taking a couple of squid fishing charters this year. Any recomendations on who offers the best charters for squid?

Thanks Bob <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/images2.jpg' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />[/quote]

in for squiddies on FB
Squid: The other other OTHER white meat
I heard on the radio this morning that (at least in CT), we've had above average temps for the past 37 days. I'm thinking the squid might show up a bit early this year assuming the same trend holds true for newport and surrounding areas.

It shouldn't be long now!

Water temp at newport as of 3/24 is 43.5 degrees.
Squid: The other other OTHER white meat
I just hope to do more squidding than last year, and better results. Didn't do well last season. I have a new generator though!!!
[quote name='TravisS' post='17983' date='Mar 25 2010, 02:50 AM']I just hope to do more squidding than last year, and better results. Didn't do well last season. I have a new generator though!!![/quote]

amen to that. i think i only got out like 3 or 4 times last year with no great results on any trip. It was a far cry from the 06' season that netted us bucket fulls nearly every trip.
Squid: The other other OTHER white meat
Just waiting for the run and reading through the thread I decided to review the posts from 2009 and Alan posted on April 30, 2009 that he caught "one". (page 17 of the 2009 thread) I was out there too last year but couldn' t remember when I started seeing squid.

The water temperature posted by NOAA on April 30, 2009, between 5:00p (9.9c = 49.82f) and 10:30p (10.8c = 51.44f), assuming that Alan was out there between 5-10:30p. If you check the thread from last year, between pages 17-22 there were some catches being posted, I would have to guess that this was the start, "of something". Also considered that some may not have posted their actual catch in the beginning.

Anyway, I just can't wait for it to start and since date and water temperature is the main question everyone has on when the run may start, including me, I thought I would look it up.

I haven't gone out to GI yet, but will probably do before the weekend to see what's swimming out there. Will keep you posted.
[quote name='SquidJiggy' post='17987' date='Mar 25 2010, 02:18 PM']Just waiting for the run and reading through the thread I decided to review the posts from 2009 and Alan posted on April 30, 2009 that he caught "one". (page 17 of the 2009 thread) I was out there too last year but couldn' t remember when I started seeing squid.

The water temperature posted by NOAA on April 30, 2009, between 5:00p (9.9c = 49.82f) and 10:30p (10.8c = 51.44f), assuming that Alan was out there between 5-10:30p. If you check the thread from last year, between pages 17-22 there were some catches being posted, I would have to guess that this was the start, "of something". Also considered that some may not have posted their actual catch in the beginning.

Anyway, I just can't wait for it to start and since date and water temperature is the main question everyone has on when the run may start, including me, I thought I would look it up.

I haven't gone out to GI yet, but will probably do before the weekend to see what's swimming out there. Will keep you posted.[/quote]

That's some fine work jiggy <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />
Squid: The other other OTHER white meat
I'll check my log from last year. I did pretty good hope to do better this year. Maybe travis will catch a couple!!!
[quote name='eatfish' post='17996' date='Mar 25 2010, 05:49 PM']I'll check my log from last year. I did pretty good hope to do better this year. Maybe travis will catch a couple!!![/quote]

Just checked mine...looks like May 20 was the first "decent" night (close to 50). And the logs seemed to get better after that...into about the 2nd week of June.
[quote name='eatfish' post='17996' date='Mar 25 2010, 05:49 PM']I'll check my log from last year. I did pretty good hope to do better this year. Maybe travis will catch a couple!!![/quote]

I am riding your coattails for this squid this year buddy...
I was measuring them by the pound by may 12 last year!!!
[quote name='eatfish' post='18002' date='Mar 26 2010, 04:04 PM']I was measuring them by the pound by may 12 last year!!![/quote]

WE will be doing the same this year!
[quote name='TravisS' post='18003' date='Mar 26 2010, 04:42 PM']WE will be doing the same this year![/quote]

Roger that!! looking forward to it.
[quote name='George' post='17727' date='Mar 4 2010, 03:38 PM']Agreed, but in all fairness, we can't blame the state this time. Registration/licensing is a federal mandate, so you have to take it up with Reed/Whitehouse/Langevin/Kennedy. We're trying to make the best of a no-win situation. As it is, we've got pretty much the cheapest saltwater license program there is at $7.00. Next year the federal registry is NOT free, so we'd be looking at $20 or more with the money going into the federal treasury and the state still being responsible for enforcement. Just ridiculous!

One final polint. The state law was banged out with a lot of hard work from the good people at RISAA. It's a great organization that's looking out for the best interests of all saltwater fishermen in RI and well worth supporting. Nuff said. Waiting to see the fluke regs for 2010 next. Squid on!

"This used to be a hell of a good country. I can't understand what's gone wrong with it." - Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider[/quote]

First squid this year and posted on this forum? I would guess May 2. Weather has been a little wacky this year.
Off-Topic..........Anyone esle join the flooded basement club?

On-Topic..........My prediction would be around April 25th, a few days prior to the full moon. Probably give it a go that weekend.

Who as a link to the squiding semminar?


[quote name='Tatonka' post='18046' date='Mar 31 2010, 11:17 AM']Off-Topic..........Anyone esle join the flooded basement club?

On-Topic..........My prediction would be around April 25th, a few days prior to the full moon. Probably give it a go that weekend.

Who as a link to the squiding semminar?



off topic - i would be in the completely ######ed club. buckled and cracked foundation and watering still pouring
[quote name='Tatonka' post='18046' date='Mar 31 2010, 11:17 AM']Who as a link to the squiding semminar?




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