08-10-2003, 11:06 AM
Also know as flying squid for their habit of leaping out of the water ( to 10 feet ) when being chased.
simple to catch and not as good to eat or as bait for snapper or whiting.
they fetch as low as 80 cents a kilo compared to southern calamari which get as much as $15.00 per kilo.
never handle the same as calamari as well as they can rotate their heads to bite you when you collar them, instead grab them at the pointy end.
Regards John
simple to catch and not as good to eat or as bait for snapper or whiting.
they fetch as low as 80 cents a kilo compared to southern calamari which get as much as $15.00 per kilo.
never handle the same as calamari as well as they can rotate their heads to bite you when you collar them, instead grab them at the pointy end.
Regards John