22-09-2003, 07:24 PM
Should try and keep the size of those images down - it takes ages to load........
Cant help you on your destination, but i think the best bet would be to try with some teasers around the area that you fish. Just simplt rig a float set up with some gang hooks sitting about a metre or so below the float and put a whole fish on the hooks. Some common baits are garfish, tommies, whiting, and pilchards....... When the float goes under drag it in slowly then when the squid lets go get a jag ready and cast at it...........
Sounds easy - just gotta find the squid now!
Cant help you on your destination, but i think the best bet would be to try with some teasers around the area that you fish. Just simplt rig a float set up with some gang hooks sitting about a metre or so below the float and put a whole fish on the hooks. Some common baits are garfish, tommies, whiting, and pilchards....... When the float goes under drag it in slowly then when the squid lets go get a jag ready and cast at it...........
Sounds easy - just gotta find the squid now!
SA - the land of the bigger fish. The fish on the east, measure the least, but if you head west, you'll be bringing in the best!!