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Squid Fishing In The Philipines
Hi everyone,

I am told that squid fishing is an enjoyable seasonal sport on Pemanggil Island which is the largest among the cluster of islands of Johor. Johor is the southernmost state of the Malaysia Peninsula. Other popular activities are jungle trekking, snorkeling and diving.

I have also learnt the local names for a few local squid species are:

Stenotheusis oualaniensis ("lumayagan")

Sepioteuthis lessoniana ("nokos"(?))

Loligo vossi ("barawan")

Generic names for squid seems to include "pusit", "nokos" and "tostos"

"Kubutan" is the name for Cuttlefish

"Kugita" or "Pugita" is the name for Octopus.

"Bubo" (pangnokos) is a Squid trap.

The following links provide information about philipines squid production from each fishery region, 1979-2001 (in metric tons). Regions 4, 6 and 9 seem to be the most productive for squid.



Commercial Squid Jig fisheries exist in Tayabas Bay, Ragay Gulf, Sogod Bay and other squid fishing areas.

I would be interested in hearing from squid fishers in the philipines who could help us to generate a list of good squid fishing spots for all parts of the country.

Cheers, Glen

Messages In This Thread
Squid Fishing In The Philipines - by glen_ipb3_import1 - 19-09-2005, 01:56 PM
Squid Fishing In The Philipines - by Skywoolf - 15-11-2007, 01:12 AM

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