11-08-2003, 02:06 PM
Hello all
I managed a few squid from Mordialloc, Middle Brighton and Altona piers over the weekend, from speaking to other people fishing the squid seem to be firing all over the place at the moment, One guy I spoke to said last weekend he and friends got 22 squid from Queenslciff Pier, one of which was almost 5kg, and stripped 100m of line from his reel in its first run.....scary..... :blink:
He caught this on a baited jig with a 30cm long salmon as bait!!
I think I will be heading to Queenscliff soon!
Best of luck
I managed a few squid from Mordialloc, Middle Brighton and Altona piers over the weekend, from speaking to other people fishing the squid seem to be firing all over the place at the moment, One guy I spoke to said last weekend he and friends got 22 squid from Queenslciff Pier, one of which was almost 5kg, and stripped 100m of line from his reel in its first run.....scary..... :blink:
He caught this on a baited jig with a 30cm long salmon as bait!!
I think I will be heading to Queenscliff soon!
Best of luck