01-11-2019, 12:29 PM
Just got another reliable report from my buddy. Massive squid attack again early this morning, 60 per hour cast and jig. 5-10 feet of water. He sent Tomo a video maybe it'll get posted here. He had 123 for two hours work, and let a bunch go that were too big for surf casting baits (his wife also prefers smaller ones to eat) so it was more like 70 per hour total. So bigger ones are in now, and it seems the fall migration is on. Daytime guys got more too but casting way out to the channel and bounce and retrieve takes longer so the squid per hour total is lower. Great squidding, the best in a year or two in Edgartown. I hope the guys in RI and the Cape are getting good action but I haven't heard much from those areas.