24-04-2015, 12:08 AM
 Hi Greg, I would have gone with mono or I actually use the new generation flourocarbon line. Squid have superb vision and when they are finicky (which they fairly often are) the less visible line will get more squid. You can easily strip back fifty feet of your braid and add 50' of six pound flourocarbon line. Remeber there is no need for ten pound, most squids you will catch will be under a pound and they don't fight or run with the line. Many guys use the portable battery jumper jumper boxes to power their lights without a generator. If you use the LED light tubes you can pretty much fish all night on one charge. I do not carry or use lights, I rely on fishing from lighted docks. I have seen a lot of these underwater lights in use and have largely out fished those fishing right over the lights by staying away from them. When the squid are thick and aggressive you don't need any lights they will hit just as well in totally dark water.