15-05-2014, 11:32 PM
Quote:Hi guys, newbie here. Â Do you think going during the day is better than going at night? I went out last night 9-11pm and had zero luck.A lot of it is just being at the right place at the right time. When I have been out there, a blitz moved through the far end of the GI causeway. Then one moved through at the corner of the stone wall. Then one moved through some boats that were squidding. Meanwhile, I managed 3 in 3 hours. I'm sure after I left, a blitz moved through the spot I was and everyone around ended up with full buckets. Also, with the moon shining bright overhead it tends to spread the bait (and the squid) out. The light doesn't do anything for the squid. If you can get out during the day, by all means, get out there. You can't win if you don't play.