31-10-2012, 04:18 AM
its ok washingtonsquid1 i understand i hope i wasnt rude i totally understand i never give my locations for sturgeon fishing but i will just help people in to about where to go i appriciate what you have said i know it takes years to dial in spots it took me 5 years to map out and know every single spot for sturgeon out in the puget sound now i can go out and catch 3-5 a day when its good i might go down to seattle just to see what its like down there i hate combat fishing it sucks so if its all that bad i might just stay up north but with all this rain and huge tides squidding wont be good at edomonds i have found that at edmonds the squid dont like a bunch of rain and huge tides they like small movin tides not sure about seattle but hope you all well in squidding and maybe sometime i might see you down in seattle