19-03-2010, 06:22 PM
just do what I do with my orange shrimp hunters and just stick the cloth back down with some superglu.
it makes them last longer and the squid dont give a rats ass about it (the glu) and nail the jig anyway.
I have a couple of shrimp hunters with glued cloth and they work just the same if not better as the jigs have plenty of ink stains to go too.
worst part is finding shrimp hunters in the right colours now as I dont think they make the standard any more...sob...sob
just do what I do with my orange shrimp hunters and just stick the cloth back down with some superglu.
it makes them last longer and the squid dont give a rats ass about it (the glu) and nail the jig anyway.
I have a couple of shrimp hunters with glued cloth and they work just the same if not better as the jigs have plenty of ink stains to go too.
worst part is finding shrimp hunters in the right colours now as I dont think they make the standard any more...sob...sob
make squid your friend...then bag them