18-04-2009, 07:47 PM
I lived for some years in the USA,saying state admin is corrupt is a cop out pure &simple ,everywhere there are organized groups who will push their profits above sustainable harvesting.
Short "Terminism",is a common political fault.
It has caused the latest financial crisis,and will be the cause for more problems if we allow these Bank Presidents,Politicians,Executives,and overpaid Ratbegs,who will stuff the economy for private , personal financial gain.
They do not care about you /me or anyone but themselves,the ultimate "NARCISISITIS"
We desperately need a grroup of pollies who have a core belief in the common good and are prepared to stand up for it.
Short "Terminism",is a common political fault.
It has caused the latest financial crisis,and will be the cause for more problems if we allow these Bank Presidents,Politicians,Executives,and overpaid Ratbegs,who will stuff the economy for private , personal financial gain.
They do not care about you /me or anyone but themselves,the ultimate "NARCISISITIS"
We desperately need a grroup of pollies who have a core belief in the common good and are prepared to stand up for it.