31-10-2008, 06:04 AM
In spain the typical calamari we get here at most make it up to 1 kilo..
I was thinking about using a 2.80 very light rod with a C action (which meens the whole rod bends like a spaguetti)
and will be using it with a 1000 size reel....
I'm not sure if it will be the right choice...
I was thinking of this very parabolic action as a good absorver of the squid attempt of escape...
Would a Tip action be a better option-???
I was thinking about using a 2.80 very light rod with a C action (which meens the whole rod bends like a spaguetti)
and will be using it with a 1000 size reel....
I'm not sure if it will be the right choice...
I was thinking of this very parabolic action as a good absorver of the squid attempt of escape...
Would a Tip action be a better option-???