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Stripers On Stellwagen W/ Tony Squid
Took Tony Squid out for some (fin) fishing off Race Point (provincetown) and onto Stellwagen Bank last Saturday. Here's the report:

Off the mooring by 500, of the dock by 530 with my son, (BFE) Capt John Brierley of Doubles Charters and / GI squidding friend , Tony. Through the canal (aaginst the current -it always seems to be that wwhen I can go the current is against me) and straight to Race Pt on FAC seas. We could see the tower at Rp from the canal.

Rp was crowded with a tanlge of boats employing different methods , drifting casting and trolling at a variety of speeds os it was very difficult to find a line to troll or a spot to stop and jig or cast. Gave it a shot for about an hour boated one blue. Saw no other fish come over the rails.

Went around the tip to fish the rips. Nothing, slow trolled , nothing. Decided to go check out the whale show. Once again we were treated to a fantastic show with well over a hundred sightings thu the day some VERY close.

Put down the tuna rigs, set out the side riggers for th first time. Trolled 2 daisy chainsgreen) and two jet heads(silver/ green) and one deep swimmer (mahi pattern). Crossed the hump at the closest tip of Stellwagen marking nothing. Finally marked tons of fish on the bottom in 75 feet. Stopped and jigged and dropped bait. BANG , BAng, BAng, everyone went off immediately, dogfish dogfish dogfish. Headed back toward birds off plymouth and found breaking fish on the surface. Put the tuna rigs back out , nothing. stopped to cast - Salty needles in yellow and olive, small metals.. all fast fast fast retrieve, nothing. John paused his retrieve and bang, fish on, I took the helm to chase as it started burning line. circled the fish (like riptide taught me [Image: icon_wink.gif] ) and the fish was quickly (too quickly) under control. We found out why the breaking fish wouldn't take our fast fast fast offerings, they were fat stripers. John brought the first to my gaff at 215PM,, a fat 42" striper. Now we all slowed down our retrieve and it was gangbusters for the next hour with multiple slashes and a couple of takes for each of us. Fish of the day by my son taped out at over 47", small fish was just 33". Seas came up so we headed for the shoreline were we picked up several large blues on the troll- no one could cast anymore. BAck on the mooring just after dark.

Tony, had never been into action like this and never seen such large, took his biggest blue and striper home to show the neighborhood.

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Capt. Dave

Team Reel Deal 2010 Striper Cup Champions

Sanctuary Ocean Adventures

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Stripers On Stellwagen W/ Tony Squid - by busterblue - 29-07-2008, 07:04 AM
Stripers On Stellwagen W/ Tony Squid - by MikeQ - 30-07-2008, 02:46 PM
Stripers On Stellwagen W/ Tony Squid - by sfoxnh - 31-07-2008, 03:28 AM
Stripers On Stellwagen W/ Tony Squid - by MikeQ - 31-07-2008, 03:45 AM
Stripers On Stellwagen W/ Tony Squid - by Tatonka - 02-08-2008, 06:21 AM
Stripers On Stellwagen W/ Tony Squid - by johnat - 03-08-2008, 09:16 AM

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