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Newport Ri 2014 Squid Season
The report I linked is September 2013. A license is mandatory.

I suppose if you want to tangle with the DEM and joust with the court system in RI, as an American citizen, that's your right.

I'm sure it would be a helluva lot cheaper and infinitely less aggravating to simply get the license. All you could hope to accomplish is getting the State to update the website.
i would get the license if im going to be there more then one day, only going to be there for few hours passing by on vacation to visit my uncle in Boston. so i dont see the point.  worst comes worst i just leave and dont fish.

Quote:The report I linked is September 2013. A license is mandatory.

I suppose if you want to tangle with the DEM and joust with the court system in RI, as an American citizen, that's your right.

I'm sure it would be a helluva lot cheaper and infinitely less aggravating to simply get the license. All you could hope to accomplish is getting the State to update the website.
I don't think we have to mention it over and over again.

Some hard ass insisting to listen.

I knew it, the law has been changed since last year, even squid fishing needs salt water fishing license and "environmental police" confirm it.

As that officer told me " if you don't have license you will get ticket for each violation, minimum fine will be $100 to maximum $500 bucks and you are not just pay fine but you have to go to the court!"

Well as soon as he told me that he check my license. Hahaha

And who ever wanna argue this matter.

Just don't get license and good luck!
This one from RI DEM sight

  • Anyone who is recreationally fishing for shellfish, lobsters, crabs, or squid, does not need a recreational fishing license (or a federal registration). However, a separate RI recreational lobster license is needed to take lobsters, and for non-residents, a separate recreational shellfish license is needed to take shellfish. Additionally, non-residents may not harvest blue crabs.
Then this one which is listed in the " ANNUAL REPORT" (DOES NOT SAY LAW) (says taken from statute, which

may have been changed since they mention 2010 quite a lot.  I have shown stuff like this to EO's only

for them to dissapear and check it out themselves only to find out they changed the statute and the EO's

weren't even aware of it.  Like I said I have mine but would be interesting to challenge.


As established by the statute, anyone wishing to recreationally fish or spe
arfish in
the marine waters of Rhode Island must possess either a RI state license, a s
tate license
from a reciprocal state, or a federal registration. The requirement sole
ly pertains to those
harvesting, or attempting to harvest, finfish and/or squid for non-commercial purposes.
In 2012, regulations were amended to have the requirements also include those
harvesting, or attempting to harvest, squid.

All this back and forth about needing a license vs not needing a license to squid is getting a little tired! It's only 7 bucks guys. I can't speak for the rest of you but personally, when I squid I always bring an extra rod to liveline them and target stripers and blues, 2 species also covered by the $7 license. If I'm not mistaken a RI license also allows you to fish in neighboring New England state waters as well and vice versa. So c'mon guys, let's put this topic to rest once and for all and fill some buckets
Directly from RI law 20-2.1-3: "(7) "Finfish" means cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates with fins, including fish, sharks, rays, skates, and eels and also includes, for the purposes of this chapter, squid." Now, this is the chapter on commercial fishing. The recreational fishing section defines finfish as finfish excluding shellfish and crustaceans. As has been said before, you could fight it, but it's not worth the cost.
I emailed RI DEM last year an this was their reply:


Hi Mr. Burbank,

My name is Kevin Smith and I am a Principal Biologist with the Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife. Ray Macera, up at Licensing, forwarded me your email and asked that I respond to you. To answer your question: Yes, a recreational license is required to recreationally fish for squid. In 2012, the regulations were amended to include squid in the recreational license requirements. Here is a link to the regulations, and if you scroll down to Rule 9, section 9.1, you will see that squid is included: <a class="bbc_url" href='' title="External link"><span style="color:rgb(0,0,255);"></a></span>

Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions or concerns.

Thank you,


Kevin Smith
Principal Marine Biologist
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Division of Fish and Wildlife - Marine Fisheries Section
3 Fort Wetherill Rd.
Jamestown, RI 02835
Phone: (401) 423-1941
Fax: (401) 423-1925

Thank you for checking out for usSmile)

Anyway who don't want to pay 7bucks? Do they not gonna fishing for this year??? I don't think so!!!

So get it! You will get plenty of fish or squidXD      



Besides, it's only $7.00.

That's one jig.


Quote:2012? i think they changed again.  The site i found was revised in 8/28/2013. ill show it to the DEM see what they say, cant give me a ticket for a false info listed on there official government web site. 
The State of Rhode Island, just like the IRS will tell you they are not responsibe for errors in content on the website.
Now that we have settled the squid laws ,has anyone caught any squid ai GI yesterday or today?

Can we start a new thread on squidding? Or, change this one to rules and regulations? Or just stop talking about a $7 license. I'm losing interest in this site...
Quote:Can we start a new thread on squidding? Or, change this one to rules and regulations? Or just stop talking about a $7 license. I'm losing interest in this site...
any squid anywhere?

Any squid any where?

Quote:Can we start a new thread on squidding? Or, change this one to rules and regulations? Or just stop talking about a $7 license. I'm losing interest in this site...

Sure. Can anyone tell me where the squid went? 2 days of massive blitz followed by getting shut out? Is it the impending full moon that's making them skittish? Is it the mass of sea robins schooling around the lights on the causeway? I want more squid! I need dinner and bait.
Usually, the first moon in may is the first push of BIG bass, and those boys and girls like to chew. So yes, I'd say the squid get a bit skittish. They're still here though. Try during the day.
Quote:All this back and forth about needing a license vs not needing a license to squid is getting a little tired! It's only 7 bucks guys. I can't speak for the rest of you but personally, when I squid I always bring an extra rod to liveline them and target stripers and blues, 2 species also covered by the $7 license. If I'm not mistaken a RI license also allows you to fish in neighboring New England state waters as well and vice versa. So c'mon guys, let's put this topic to rest once and for all and fill some buckets
What he said!!!!


Can we all get over it, get the license, print several copies and keep one in your car, boat, all your bags/tackle boxes and one in your wallet - and let's talk squid!
Grrrrr, AT, it was done!
Quote:Grrrrr, AT, it was done!
What are you, the posting police? Should we come to you to clear what topics we're 'allowed' to discuss. You know the old saying, if you don't like the discussion in the kitchen...GTFO'
Not about the 7$ license it's the greed that state have. It was free a year ago now it's not. What I'm paying for ? Not like they stock squid in the ocean or they provide anything like restricting commercial fisherman netting. So this site didn't exist and I search for info before I go squid fishing those false info pop up on web site now it's my fault? Come guys you got to draw a line some where.
State need to update the web site I think they did that so they can give out tickets to make more money.

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