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Squidding In New England States
As of now it looks like Thursday night would be best.  Have to renew my gun permit and it

takes forever and they only do it on Thursdays so hopefully I'll beout of there in a few hours.

Will head to Beverly to give it a try.  Not sure if the tides make a big diff there but should catch

the start of outgoing

Should be able to get there Thursday night..
Long Days and Pleasant Nights !
Great, "planning on" getting there for 8:30pm of course that depends on traffic.

Should be nice weather.  Got a few experimental rigs to try out.

Will try to meet you guys there in Beverly tonight.  Have another jig type to try.

Arrived at Beverly around 8:30pm  There some action here and there and the sizes

were small and medium.  Tried for an hour and could only come up with 3 squid for

my efforts.  Left Beverly and went to Salem and found the same action.  Managed

another 7 or 8 squid there same sizes.  Either the squid are starting to finally thin

out or the tide was the factor, actually I think its was the combination of both.  Nice

night and left early as the tide was still dropping.  Salem now has a ban on generators

on the pier, someone complained about the noise.  Beverly is a bit different as there's

loud music like a band was playing and there was a "party" boat motoring around

doing same.  Squidbud missed you out there.   Gunslinger I'm sure if you know the area

well you can put together a decent catch.  Unless something changes my next trip will

be to Cape Cod Canal and try that again.  The tides will be much more favorable

next week.

I was also out there on thursday night but started in gloucester then salem at 10 it was slow. If im not wrong it cause water was to calm
Did Beverly & Salem 10pm to 3am.. Took 11 in Beverly, and 7 in Salem...I agree, it looks like the squid are thinning out. Favorable evening tides middle of next week, and hopefully some warmer nights too !
Long Days and Pleasant Nights !
If I not wrong water is to low this week at night and calm.I picked atleast 30 Iin gloucester thursday night
Yes favorable evening tides next week so if its still slow we'll pretty

much know its ending.

Planning on a trip to east end of Gape Cod Canal Sunday night.  9:30 hi tide so

hopefully I'll hit it right and get some of those 10" + tubes I keep hearing rumors


Hello Janz,


How is squidding your on Sunday Night? I have to drive 2+hours to P-town to find out no fishing after 8pm. $40 dollars of gas for nothing.

Hope you have better results than I !

Don't even bother with the cape cod canal, it was terrible.  Did not know about the

8pm cut off in P town as a few guys at the canal left there to go to P town at around

12 midnight, bet they got a surprise also. 

I talk to the security police at the pier, they stated that a group of Japanese used the rest room to cleaning the squid then they have a sushi bar out side. Drinking was take place, making mess in the rest room, beer bottle broken every where. It's a total mess.

New fishing time is 6am-8pm.

I think they aren't Japanese because they don't rinse squid with freshwater. The meat turns clear to white if rinsed with freshwater...resulting losing flavor and softness.

The proper way to clean the squid in Japan is to use saltwater or use kitching paper to remove inks and other stuff. Also, squid isn't sweet if you make sushi/sashimi on 1st day. Squid needs to be "aged" about 2-3 days for sushi/sashimi.


On a side note, a lot of Koreans does make sashimi right after they catch....on a pier/boat/dock, etc
Canal update:  Left here at 6pm for the usual 2hr and 10 minute ride.  The traffic

turned that into 3hrs and 15 minutes.  Then of course just 3 miles away from the canal

it starts raining.  I got there just before flood tide and set up.  A few other people were

there for squid also.  No one caught anything.  as the night wore on I finally spotted

about a dozen squid around my light but they would not hit.  Then the kids saw them

and tried to snag them and they left.  Fished till 12:30 am and only caught one choggie.

What a waste of time and effort.  Guess I'll be heading north next trip.

Going to try Beverly Tuesday night.. Looks like a good combination: an 11+foot high tide, and warmer nighttime temps,
Long Days and Pleasant Nights !
rinoue , thanks for the information. As for me when I catch squid, I bring home a bucket of squid and a bucket of ocean water to rinse the squid. Then freeze them, this will keep fresh for a very long time.

I should restated as a group of fishermen.
Guys its not one nationality that spoils it, its the small % of scum that just don't care.

I've met some wonderful, polite and very helpful "anglers" a lot of them not speaking

very good english if at all, many time interpretur had to convey (translate) so I could


Those times we are all "grouped" as anglers, even the scum so figure it out, your in

that group.

I carry a trash bag with me and try to pick up trash as I'm leaving and actually had

"anglers" laugh at me for doing it.  I tried to set an example to those around me and

those that laughed set the example of me doing something wrong or silly.  It does

work though as a few times I would have people pick stuff up and come throw it in

my trash bag as I walk by.  What really kills me is there's almost always a trash

recepticle at the end of the pier or close by.

Trying to get out this week and heading north.


Jason that was very informative, guess I can scratch that spot off my list.

Now all those anglers are going to go somewhere else.  Salem is right

around the corner as is Beverly. 


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