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Puget Sound, WA (2012 Season)
I put alot of effort into finding the spots that I have. Sorry not trying to be rude, but Im not going to post my favorite spots on a public pier in a public forum. Just creates more competition for me trying to get to my spot. From what I saw happened to squidman1 last night, I dont think he will be reporting his where-abouts much either. Plus, I always think its much more rewarding when you figure it out for yourself. It took me YEARS getting dialed in.

However, this is where I can help. Book a trip with me and I can show you what you need to become successful. This starts with gear, lights, different destinations (if needed), techniques, as well as overall knowledge of squid movement.

Remember: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime.
I went to 69 last night for the 1st time, got 13 squid. but I didn't have the right equipment. Some ppl might got their limit, I think for rest of the ppl that were their got decent amount.


I heard ppl talking about 70 on the forum, but when I ask the ppl at 69 they said it private prop so you just taking chance ppl kicking you out...I heard the public pier are 69/62, but 62 close at 10 pm.
I've been to 70 about four times and I've never been kicked out. The people I've talked to have never been kicked out either, maybe if you go early they'll kick you out due to the loud generator, but if you go after 8-9PM, they likely won't care. Glad they're catching in 69, maybe I'll go tonight if my schedule allows me to.

I didn't know that pier 62/63 closed at 10PM, I've always seen people squidding every time I've dropped by there at around 10PM-1AM. Don't think generators are allowed though due to fire hazards on wooden piers, but people use it there anyway.
[quote name='SquidInOlympia' timestamp='1351544820' post='25147']

I went to 69 last night for the 1st time, got 13 squid. but I didn't have the right equipment. Some ppl might got their limit, I think for rest of the ppl that were their got decent amount.


I heard ppl talking about 70 on the forum, but when I ask the ppl at 69 they said it private prop so you just taking chance ppl kicking you out...I heard the public pier are 69/62, but 62 close at 10 pm.


They have been kickin people off of 70, for sure
Yeah someone is posting that you can be squidding in pier 70? that place has been off limits to the public for years. Don't know what those people are talking about. and pier 69? That pier is so crowded since they closed the portion going to the back of the Bldg coz fisherman are abusing the place leaving all kinds of trash behind and people don't know how to clean up after them selves. i used to catch mu squid right next to the Clipper but now that place is off limits. Going to Redondo to get some squirters will post some picks after I get home.
Happy Squidding!!!
i never asked your exact spot just which pier do you prefer and which side of it you do know piers are big and im not dumb i know how to squid and what is needed i was just asking info about seattle not all your spots or anything like that
[quote name='squidy1983' timestamp='1351534430' post='25141']

so will someone tell me about 69/70 is parking free do you needs lights or generator and which is better and where on the pier do you fish i normally go to edmonds sice im from up north just wanna try seattle a couple times


You don't pay for parking after 8pm.

69 is crowded and people started to be mean - you say Hi to a dozen of people, one turns his head, looks at you and silently gets back to fishing. Really? Is it still fun? Or a business already? So rude.

70 doesn't actually needs lights, it is lit well enough (IMO).
[quote name='WashingtonSquid1' timestamp='1351545880' post='25150']

They have been kickin people off of 70, for sure


Last Saturday a security guard walked behind my back on 70 and didn't tell me anything. If they kick out people it must be for a reason, like special event or whatever. Did you see the inside of that restaurant? It is pretty high end.
[quote name='crabber' timestamp='1351545730' post='25149']I didn't know that pier 62/63 closed at 10PM[/quote]
[quote name='squidy1983' timestamp='1351572505' post='25153']

i never asked your exact spot just which pier do you prefer and which side of it you do know piers are big and im not dumb i know how to squid and what is needed i was just asking info about seattle not all your spots or anything like that


You're right man. I squid on the south side of 69 and the North side of 70. My bad
[quote name='calamariman' timestamp='1351572210' post='25152']

Yeah someone is posting that you can be squidding in pier 70? that place has been off limits to the public for years. Don't know what those people are talking about. [/quote]

If 70 has been off limits for years, then the security and employees there have really slacked off because as I said, I've (and fellow fishermen I've chatted with) never had any trouble from any security guards or employees that walked right by the squidders. Last week there was an event inside the restaurant and they turned off all the lights outside, yet we still had about 10 people squidding on the south side of 70 and none of the employees that went in and out of the joint said a thing.
first thanks to coldfusion for the site. and thx the rest of you guys for the info about 70.

where do guys bought your red/green or pink/green jigs from? it's seem to thatppl get better hit with those colors jig. or could some1 at the pier sell me one if I ask!

also its there a public rest room around 69??? my bladder almost burst last night....
[quote name='SquidInOlympia' timestamp='1351599335' post='25160']where do guys bought your red/green or pink/green jigs from?[/quote]Ted's Sport Center in Lynwood.

[quote name='SquidInOlympia' timestamp='1351599335' post='25160'] its there a public rest room around 69???

[/quote]I don't think so, but I don't know for sure.


Interesting, why city doesn't install metered electrical outlets and let people pay for electricity for their squiding lamps?
its ok washingtonsquid1 i understand i hope i wasnt rude i totally understand i never give my locations for sturgeon fishing but i will just help people in to about where to go i appriciate what you have said i know it takes years to dial in spots it took me 5 years to map out and know every single spot for sturgeon out in the puget sound now i can go out and catch 3-5 a day when its good i might go down to seattle just to see what its like down there i hate combat fishing it sucks so if its all that bad i might just stay up north but with all this rain and huge tides squidding wont be good at edomonds i have found that at edmonds the squid dont like a bunch of rain and huge tides they like small movin tides not sure about seattle but hope you all well in squidding and maybe sometime i might see you down in seattle
has anyone ever tried those squid jigs that look like shrimp and do they work
They arent made for catching market squid, which is what we are fishing for. They are made for long casts, and retrieving at a steady pace. Similar to how we would fish a Rapala. They imitate small bait fish, and are made to catch a different specie of squid that are not present off the piers in downtown seatlle
[quote name='squidy1983' timestamp='1351615663' post='25163']

has anyone ever tried those squid jigs that look like shrimp and do they work


A friend of mine has had success with those jigs when he's squidding on his boat, though he says they don't work too well on piers since there aren't too many jumbos around.

Check out this video... Pretty cool seeing a different kind
anyone going out tonight
Before my meeting tonite, I decided to walk up on Edmonds an saw maybe 50 people! 1st group were fishing the usual spot! maybe one or two for them! Then the 2nd group were at the very end just wacking them. JUMBOS too! It was also POURING rain! Hopefully getting out late this week! Definately this weekend! Ellliot bay will be muddy from the Duwiamish river spitting mud & silt. unfortuneately.....

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