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New Member - Printable Version

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New Member - squidb8 - 13-04-2011

Gday all

Just joined up as a member and are looking forward to finding out all the tips re squid.

Went to a great Egi night at Gone Fishin' at Carrum on 7[sup]th[/sup] April. They had a couple of Japanese guys from Gan Craft there, who were very informative about the art of Egi. Talk about high end fishing gear, their graphite rods are around $700 before reels, braid and lures are added. The jerk motion of these guys fishing for squid needs to be seen to be believed as it is quite drastic to other examples I have seen. But the results speak for themselves

The MC for the night was Paul Carter and although it was my first attendance to one of these nights it was well worth the trip. Paul did a fantastic job of making everyone feel welcome as well as handing out prizes of Gan Craft Squid Lures and one lucky ticket holder (that you received as you walked in the door) got to keep a Gan Craft graphite Rod.

A truly fantastic night and it was free. The boys from "That's Fishing" the TV show on channel 31 were there and provided a free DVD on their trip to Portland fishing for Southern Bluefin Tuna. The store put on Pizza and soft drinks at interval and opened up the registers at the end of the night with a 25% discount of all squid related gear

Thanks Gone Fishin', Paul Carter and the Team from Gan Craft a night well worth attending which I recommend attending when they have another one. So now I'm just itching to get down to the piers to put this new knowledge into practice