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Shark Jig! - Printable Version

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Shark Jig! - Nautilusly - 18-02-2007

I wonder how big was the jig <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/innocent.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

Quote:A South Australian man attacked a shark with his bare hands after drinking copious amounts of vodka and deciding to turn the tables on one of nature's deadliest predators.

The ABC reported that Phillip Kerkhof was the talk of his hometown at Louth Bay after wrestling the bronze whaler shark from shallow water onto the local jetty.

Kerkhof became annoyed when the shark began chasing his squid lures and said he climbed down a ladder into the water and silently stalked the 1.3 metre predator.

"I just snuck up behind him and eventually I went for the big grab and I fluked it and got him," he said.

"He's just thrashing around in the water but then he was starting to turn around and try to bite me and I thought 'well, it's amazing what vodka does'."

Kerkhof emerged from the fray unscathed, although his jeans were ripped by the shark's razor-sharp teeth.

"It's not something I'd recommend to do. When I sobered up I thought about it and I said, 'I'm a bit of an idiot doing it'," he said.

Shark Jig! - glen - 18-02-2007

hahaha. i heard about this guy but i missed the bit about him squid fishing before hand! crazy bugger! <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

cheers, glen <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Shark Jig! - flounderpirate - 08-03-2007

Here be a question for all ye lads an' lasses.

When I am in me boat at 6am off altona, what do I start doing? Drifting with different baits to see what bites first, then anchor and burley, have a jig out in case there are squid about when drifting or anchor somewhere likely to hold fish and burley like mad hoping to attract them?

What do some of you do?

Any tips would be welcome.

Shark Jig! - Jazman - 08-03-2007

Eeeeargh, how be ye sea dog?

There are advantages and disadvantages for each of these 2 techniques:


Advantages: cover a lot of ground (so better if the fish are well spread eg/ flathead), better chance of a squid (since jig will be constantly moving).

Disadvantages: if you find a school of fish you'll probably only catch 1 or 2 fish before you drift past it, if the drift is too fast it can be hard to keep baits on the bottom


Advantages: if you manage to attract a school of fish (gars, snapper, trevally), you can hold them near the boat with berley and hopefully catch a heap! But if you can't attract anything then you've wasted a lot of time in the one location when you could have been drifting and covering ground....

The ideal thing to do (if you can) would be drift until you find fish, then anchor and start berleying. Don't use too much berley - you want to feed out a little often, not all at once.

Shark Jig! - flounderpirate - 08-03-2007

Ahoy there matey.

When are ye comin back t' see us?

Thanks fer the tips, that's generally how I been doin' it so far. Driftin' then anchor and burley.

How's yer fishin'?

Shark Jig! - Jazman - 08-03-2007

Hi Mike, hopefully I'll be back for about 10 days over Easter - I've got a lot of stuff to try and cram into those 10 days, but hopefully I'll have time for some fishing as well. The fishing up here has been great, I've been heading down to the coast a fair bit, and have managed quite a few bream, whiting, flathead and snapper, both out of the kayak and land based. We also caught some prawns a few weeks ago!

Shark Jig! - Jazman - 08-03-2007


Shark Jig! - Jazman - 08-03-2007

Flathead from the yak at Lake Conjola

Shark Jig! - Jazman - 08-03-2007

Seargent Baker offshore at Bateman's Bay

Shark Jig! - Jazman - 08-03-2007

Snapper from Bateman's Bay

Shark Jig! - Jazman - 08-03-2007

51cm flathead from Moruya

Shark Jig! - flounderpirate - 08-03-2007

Arrgh, Way to make a fella' jealous.

I thought you went to Canberra to do some work! You look like yer fishin' more than yer working! hahaha that's the life!